Reconstruction: A Study in Nehemiahサンプル

Reconstruction: A Study in Nehemiah

10日中 8日

What does it say?

Nehemiah led the Israelites in making a vow to keep God’s commandments and properly support the temple.

What does it mean?

During their years of captivity, the Israelites had forgotten many of God’s instructions given through Moses. Under Nehemiah’s guidance, the Israelites again listened to the Law of God and made a vow to uphold His instructions in three distinct ways. First, they agreed to separate themselves from the influence of nations that did not follow God’s commands. Next, the Israelites agreed to resume the temple ceremonies and keep them exactly as God instructed. Finally, even though they possessed little wealth, the Jewish people agreed to give their tithes generously to support the temple.

How should I respond?

Scripture teaches a connection between spiritual health and commitment to the local church. Voluntary commitment to God’s house draws us closer to God and each other. Giving ourselves to support the church provides a common purpose and keeps our spirits healthy. How are you working with other believers to help your local church thrive? No sacrifice of time, talent, or money can compare with the spiritual benefits of obediently serving the Lord. Contact your church office staff if you’re not sure where to start – they will be happy to help you!

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Reconstruction: A Study in Nehemiah

Along with Ezra, Nehemiah chronicles the post-exilic history of Israel. Nehemiah's leadership helped resettle Israelites in the land and rebuild Jerusalem's walls. However, Nehemiah's greatest legacy was a renewed national identity rooted in repentance of sin and obedience to God.
