Reconstruction: A Study in Nehemiahサンプル

Reconstruction: A Study in Nehemiah

10日中 7日

What does it say?

The Levites led Israel in prayer – praising the Lord’s name, confessing their sins, and recognizing His faithfulness despite their continual disobedience.

What does it mean?

After reading the Book of the Law, Israel’s grief over their sin resulted in individual and corporate repentance. The Levites praised the Lord’s name and attributes and offered thankful recognition of all He had done for every generation of Israelites. However, the bulk of the prayer is a confession of the nation’s long history of sin, which led to their present circumstances. Although enslaved in their land, they asked for only one thing: that He would not regard their present suffering lightly. Even in “great distress,” they focused on the greatness and faithfulness of their God.

How should I respond?

Reading Scripture and talking to God go hand-in-hand; one should naturally lead to the other. The prayer in today’s passage is a beautiful example for us to follow. Too often, our prayers ask for God’s provision and protection, but we forget to thank Him for His faithfulness. Consider the other two parts of this prayer – praise and confession. How much time do you spend praising the name and character of the Lord? Try reading this passage as a personal prayer. Praise God for His attributes listed; then confess your sins in place of Israel’s. Focus on His faithfulness today.

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Reconstruction: A Study in Nehemiah

Along with Ezra, Nehemiah chronicles the post-exilic history of Israel. Nehemiah's leadership helped resettle Israelites in the land and rebuild Jerusalem's walls. However, Nehemiah's greatest legacy was a renewed national identity rooted in repentance of sin and obedience to God.
