Custody Battles and The Psalmsサンプル

Custody Battles and The Psalms

4日中 4日

Trust is Critical

Scripture: Psalms 71:4-5 My God, rescue me from the power of the wicked, from the clutches of cruel oppressors. Oh Lord, you alone are my hope, I’ve trusted you, Oh Lord, from childhood.

There were so many times during the years of going back and forth to court that I felt as if I was completely losing everything. I felt that my life was my own and it was falling apart or being taken from me as the constant demand of court consumed me. The lies of the enemy were the last thoughts on my mind as I laid my head down to rest and the first thoughts in my head when I arose the next morning. For me to live again as God had intended, I had to make a conscious effort to see my heavenly father as a good father. A father that was there and would be there through it all. One that would fight my battles, not with me, but for me. I had to realize that the custody battle was not intended to take me out, but rather build me up as I chose to trust in him.

And the same is true for you!

This custody battle is not intended to take you out! This is merely a moment in time in which God can show you that your life is in his hands and he will help you. If you allow him, he will take this difficult circumstance and make you into the warrior he created you to be while carrying you through it. It was actually in the battle that I learned who I was, whose I was, and how to fight against the enemy of my soul. It was during this process that God rescued me from the lies that had been mastering my relationship with Him. God simply allowed my custody battle to be the tool in which he used to expose the lies and uncovered His truth.  

God’s rescue plan is always above ours. He has a plan for us, our children, our spouse, even those oppressing us and it is far beyond our capacity to understand. He intentionally created us with a limited ability to know his plan so that we could learn to trust Him because trust is foundational in a relationship, especially with a our Heavenly Father. It is time to believe that He CAN be trusted!  

Practical Application:

This battle is not intended to break you down, but build you up. In your journal write down every emotion you have concerning the custody battle. Then in a separate column write, “You alone are my hope, I trust you.” Write it next to every single concern as an activation of your trust in God. 

Now that you have completed the Better Than Blended YouVersion Custody Devotional and have greater insight and a better understanding of how to navigate your custody journey,  you will need accountability, therefore we invite you to explore other resources from Better Than Blended. 



Custody Battles and The Psalms

How do I believe a promise that has yet to be fulfilled? This seems to be the question that plagues many of our minds when it comes to going to court regarding matters of the heart, such as our children.  This plan will take you on Rachel's journey through court with God to her ultimate destination through it all - Peace! 
