Custody Battles and The Psalmsサンプル

Custody Battles and The Psalms

4日中 2日


Choosing Confidence

Scripture: Psalms 56:9-11 My enemies will retreat when I call to you for help. This I know: God is on my side! I praise God for what he has promised; yes, I praise the Lord for what he has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me?

What can mere mortals do to me? This question seems quite tricky to answer in times of battle when it seems that ‘mere mortals’ can turn your whole world upside down. Had David gone crazy?

I don’t believe so!

David had chosen confidence in God, something I’ve learned is a requirement to press through any of life’s battle. For me, when an email came in, I had to intentionally choose confidence in God. When a certified letter came through with new motions inside, I had to choose confidence in God. When an accusation was presented to me and I was not given an opportunity to defend myself, I had to choose confidence. David had confidence in God and we know this because he confidently makes three bold statements in these scriptures:

  1. My enemies will retreat when I call to you for help
  2. God is on my side
  3. I trust in God

These were statements made in the midst of confusion with confidence. 

The circumstances surrounding these statements were not ideal. He was constantly running from an enemy who, at one point, was a friend. He was battling others and taking over territories. He had tons of pressure from outside forces to do things contrary to who he was and what he represented. Yet, he determined in his heart that these situations were not going to impact his view of WHO God was or HOW BIG God was. Although he didn’t always see the full picture and the battle at times overwhelm him,  he was determined to declare the goodness of the Lord no matter what.

This is what I believe God wants us to determine within ourselves as we walk the arduous journey of a custody battle. Who He is no matter what! When my relationship with God is hinged upon my perspective of how he handled my most recent difficult situation, it becomes a poor, discouraging, and disappointing relationship. But when I choose to believe that, “the Lord will perfect that which concerneth me… (Ps 138:8)” I may have moments of disappointment but I can remain confident in the promises of God. 

Practical Application:

Write down what you desire to see occur in your custody battle. Now next to that write, the three statements discussed today. Allow this to become your declaration of truth despite your anticipated outcome. Use the page we have provided here to start your journal or use a journal you already own to get started today.

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Custody Battles and The Psalms

How do I believe a promise that has yet to be fulfilled? This seems to be the question that plagues many of our minds when it comes to going to court regarding matters of the heart, such as our children.  This plan will take you on Rachel's journey through court with God to her ultimate destination through it all - Peace! 
