
Psalm 73:26 Man says: I just don't think I'll be able to handle it. God says: Your only reliable strength is God.
Psalm 118:24 Man says: This is going to be a long day! God says: For real joy, Choose joy each day. God made it after all.
Proverbs 17:22 Man says: I don't feel too good. God says: Choose Joy. You'll feel better.
Ecclesiastes 9:7 Man says: I must work hard - lots to get done! God says: Have fun! Your life is approved, Christian!
Malachi 4:2 Man says: I am often broken by people treating me unfairly. God says: God is the healer. Go to Him. Joy can follow.
OK, which word from God was most meaningful for you this day?
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La gioia è un elemento fondamentale della fede cristiana. La tua gioia cresce attraverso l'incontro con Dio e la meditazione della Sua Parola. I seguenti versetti, se memorizzati, possono aiutare ad aumentare la gioia nella tua vita! Lascia che la tua vita sia trasformata attraverso la memorizzazione delle Scritture