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Don’t Run From ConfrontationCampione

Don’t Run From Confrontation


What could go right?

When it comes to having hard conversations with people we love, our anxious minds immediately rush to worst-case scenarios. He’ll get defensive. She’ll shut down. He’ll blow up. She’ll never be my friend again.

While those aren’t illogical thoughts, make sure you also think of what could go right. He could repent. She could thank you for getting her back to God. He could reconnect with the truth. She could be with you in heaven. That could happen. Many times that does happen.

Not long ago, I heard about a woman who confronted her sister who was saying some unbiblical things, caused by the pain of losing the love of her life. With patience and courage, the woman pointed out her sister’s sin, and—thank God—the sister humbly received the rebuke. In fact, the sister who got called out emailed me to say, “Now I am back on track. I thanked my sister for her courage. I still have a long road ahead, but at least now I see that I am on the right path.”

Jesus said such wonderful things could happen! “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over” - (Matthew 18:15).

It’s not foolish to prepare yourself for what might go wrong, but please don’t forget to consider what might go right. You might win them over. You might win them back for God. Angels will rejoice with you when they come back.

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Don’t Run From Confrontation

Scripture is useful for comforting those who confess and confronting those who don’t. God’s Word equips us for the agonizing but essential work of confronting one another.
