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The Marriage Expedition - Captives to ConquerorsCampione

The Marriage Expedition - Captives to Conquerors


Marriage in Egypt - Captives

Now a new king arose over Egypt who did not know Joseph. He said to his people “Behold the people of the sons of Israel are too many and too mighty for us … So they set taskmasters over them to oppress them with hard labor. Exodus 1: 8,9,11a

Israel in Egypt: There was a famine in Canaan during the days of Jacob, so the Israelites (Jacob & his household) went to Egypt where Joseph was a powerful leader. They settled down and enjoyed the goodness of Goshen. Israel was fruitful and they multiplied.

When a Pharoah who did not know Joseph began to rule Egypt, he saw Israel as a threat to national security. So the Israelites were put under heavy labor. They were under bondage and suffered as slaves to the Egyptians (Exodus 1:13,14). They were in great distress and wanted to be delivered. As a nation, Israel was destined to go back to Canaan. Sadly, Israel did not take God’s plan seriously. Finally, they cried out to God. God heard their cry and remembered His Covenant (Exodus 2:23,24}.

Marriage in Egypt: Let’s have a look at our own marriage. Where are we? Are we in Egypt? If there is sin or any addiction or bondage to sin in even one of the spouses, then the marriage is in Egypt. When the marriage is in Egypt it means that it is under the rule of Satan. Under satan’s rule sin will multiply (Matthew 12:45). Innocent victims will suffer in this marriage. Marriage would seem like a dungeon and the spouse will feel suffocated and frustrated in the relationship not knowing what to do. Children will become insecure and rebellious. They will find their parents fighting all the time. They will not like the atmosphere. They will easily slip into the enemy’s trap themselves. Sadly, some will even decide not to marry or make a wrong and hasty choice to escape from the atmosphere. The spouse may try various ways to solve the situation.

The GOOD NEWS: – You don’t have to remain in Egypt because you have a Deliverer who has already defeated your enemy on the cross. Jesus has defeated sin, curse, and sickness on the cross. You just have to believe it and appropriate this victory in your life and marriage. You have been given the authority to kick the enemy out of your life, marriage, and family and invite Jesus to rule and reign in your life, marriage, and family.

Let’s not take sin lightly. Let’s become radical with sin. Sin is serious. It’s the enemy’s weapon to steal kill and destroy our life, our marriage, and our children. (John 10:10). God hates sin and so should we. Stay alert to the enemy’s tactics and schemes. God doesn’t want us to remain in Egypt – let’s get out.

Prayer: Father, we thank You for Your plan for our lives and our marriage. I believe that it is not Your will for our lives and marriage to be under the rule of Satan. I accept that my sins gave the enemy a foothold in our lives. I repent of all my sins. I cancel every invitation I gave the enemy to rule our marriage in Jesus’ name. I break the power of sin in my marriage. Lord Jesus, I invite You to rule and reign in my life and in our marriage. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Giorno 2

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The Marriage Expedition - Captives to Conquerors

We live in times when the wedding is considered to be a destination rather than the beginning of a lifelong journey. Extravagant spending happens for that one day but sadly no one knows what to expect in this journey. We can relate our married life with Israel’s journey to Canaan from Egypt. It’s our prayer that God would help you identify where you are in this lifelong expedition.
