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Miracles | Midyear Prayer, Fasting, and Consecration (English)Campione

Miracles | Midyear Prayer, Fasting, and Consecration (English)


Acts 5:12–16

Now many signs and wonders were regularly done among the people by the hands of the apostles. And they were all together in Solomon’s Portico. None of the rest dared join them, but the people held them in high esteem. And more than ever believers were added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women, so that they even carried out the sick into the streets and laid them on cots and mats, that as Peter came by at least his shadow might fall on some of them. The people also gathered from the towns around Jerusalem, bringing the sick and those afflicted with unclean spirits, and they were all healed.

Additional Reading: Acts 1:8; 4:13

The book of Acts is distinct among the New Testament writings because it deals with the birth of the Church and its life in the age of the apostles. The role of the Holy Spirit is a significant emphasis of God’s involvement and providence in Acts. God’s divine work through the Holy Spirit was made aware of the early church community. Since the signs and wonders of the apostles were demonstrated through the work of the Holy Spirit, scholars have suggested that “The Acts of the Holy Spirit” would be a more appropriate title for the book.

Doctor Luke gives us a snapshot of the everyday life of the church. At this point, the early church had witnessed and experienced God’s signs and wonders through the apostles. Though they were ordinary men and unschooled in the advanced religious training of the Pharisees, they were esteemed by the community because of the work of God that had been seen through them. Through the preaching of the gospel and manifestation of the Spirit, multitudes came to believe in Jesus. As a growing Christian community, their lives were defined by prayer, the word, and fellowship. They exercised faith and did not remain eyewitnesses and recipients of miracles. They became channels of faith and miracles by being in faith for others to receive miracles and ministering to the sick, afflicted, and unclean. When the church came together in fervent prayer and faith, amazing things happened among them and through them regularly.

The apostles were regular people like us—empowered by the Holy Spirit to do mighty works to proclaim and demonstrate the gospel of the kingdom. The same power that was in the apostles to do signs and wonders also resides in every Christian. Acts 1:8 tells us that God has given us His Spirit to empower us. The declaration of the gospel is accompanied by the demonstration of the Spirit’s power—here and to the end of the earth.

We have people in our immediate sphere of influence who need a miracle from God today. Each of us is sent with God’s Spirit to be His witness. We stand on the authority of Jesus to be channels of God’s signs and wonders to others.

  • Who among your loved ones needs a miracle today? Go and be a channel of God’s miracles to them. We are empowered and sent to proclaim Jesus to the world.
  • What seemingly impossible prayer request have you been waiting to be answered? Be in faith—we serve a miracle-working God.

Holy Spirit, living Breath of God,

Breathe new life into my willing soul;

Let the presence of the risen Lord,

Come renew my heart and make me whole.

Cause Your Word to come alive in me;

Give me faith for what I cannot see.

Give me passion for Your purity;

Holy Spirit, breathe new life in me.

Holy Spirit, come abide within,

May Your joy be seen in all I do.

Love enough to cover every sin

In each thought and deed and attitude.

Kindness to the greatest and the least;

Gentleness that sows the path of peace.

Turn my strivings into works of grace;

Breath of God, show Christ in all I do.

Holy Spirit, from creation’s birth,

Giving life to all that God has made.

Show Your power once again on earth,

Cause Your Church to hunger for Your ways.

Let the fragrance of our prayers arise;

Lead us on the road of sacrifice,

That in unity the face of Christ

Will be clear for all the world to see.

“Holy Spirit”

(a song by Stuart Townend and Keith Getty)

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Miracles | Midyear Prayer, Fasting, and Consecration (English)

At the start and middle of every year, we come together to pray and fast for God to be made known in our lives and the people around us. As we preach God’s word, we are empowered by God to be channels of His miracles in our relationships and communities. Let’s reflect on how God can use all kinds of people to reveal Himself through miracles in advancing His kingdom.
