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Uncommon LoveCampione

Uncommon Love



The Bible speaks of a love that is unfathomable.

The love of God is without limits.

No matter who you are or what you have done, you are accepted by God. God's love is not restricted to a certain group of people or those who have lived a certain way. It is poured out for anyone willing to receive it.

This is an uncommon love.

Today we read about the uncommon love of a father who had two sons. The younger son, unwilling to wait for his inheritance, asked his father for his share of the estate. In his love and compassion, the father gave this to his son. This son squandered his inheritance on wild living and soon found himself penniless and alone. In his desperation, he returned to his father, expecting to be treated as a hired hand. But instead, seeing him from a distance, his father ran to him, embraced him, and welcomed him back into his rightful place as a son.

The story illustrates the love and compassion of God, who is like the father in the story; always waiting for us to return to him, no matter how far we have strayed. He welcomes us back with open arms and total forgiveness.

Daily Prayer

God, today we thank you for your uncommon love for us. No matter what we do, whether we are trying our best or failing miserably, you love us completely. Show me your love today.

Giorno 2

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Uncommon Love

The Bible speaks of a love that is unfathomable. God’s love is limitless, offered freely to all people at all times. It is an uncommon love. Over the next 14 days, we will go on a journey of first understanding His uncommon love for us and then how His uncommon love empowers and compels us to live.
