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The Book of JamesCampione

The Book of James


Today's Devotional:

We live in a culture that boasts. Our boasts usually look like posts—social media posts, to be more specific. Our posts are proclamations to anybody who will pay attention to us, showing a beautiful picture of our life’s achievements. Or other times, we expose our loneliness and depression on our digital story for everyone to see. Why do we feel the need to do that? What need do we have inside of us that compels us to gain approval from our friends online?

The passage in James teaches us to focus our needs on God. Rather than going to our audience to gain care and affirmation, we should find ourselves in our relationship with God. This posture takes a spirit of humility from us. It requires us to pull back from needing attention and move toward giving attention privately to our Heavenly Father.

C.S. Lewis says, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself. It is thinking about yourself less.” When we show people our highlights and our heartaches, it can be a form of pride. Though we may not be trying to be prideful, what we are doing is asking for attention and approval. A spirit of humility trusts God to meet our needs so that we don’t have to look to others.

In your prayer time today, pull back from seeking the approval of people, and seek God. Take comfort in knowing that whatever circumstance you find yourself in, either good or bad, you can confide in God.


Today's devotional was written by Pastor Matt Pilot.


  1. Ask yourself what may be causing you to reach out to people for approval.
  2. Ask God to fill your need for attention and approval.
  3. Ask God to cultivate a spirit of humility throughout your day so that Christ shows and not you.


God, help me to find my identity and approval in you and your love. Help me resist the temptation to boast or find my worth in the validation of the world. Thank you that you love me and that I am your child. Amen.

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The Book of James

Have you ever wondered what faith looks like in action? This devotional walks you through the Book of James—a letter written by James, who is thought to be the brother of Jesus. As James emphasizes the relationship between faith and works, the next three weeks will be a time for you to grow in spiritual wisdom and practical application as you aim to follow Jesus faithfully.
