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The Book of JamesCampione

The Book of James


Today's Devotional:

In today's culture, it's possible to go an entire day without having to talk with someone face to face. We can text, call, email, direct message, ‘like’ a video, or comment on a post without having to see someone in person. James chapter 3 talks about life and death in the power of the tongue. I’ve heard it said that the new tongue is our thumbs. Speaking life looks a whole lot different than just being kind when you are physically around someone. Speaking life happens when we’re alone with our phones—alone with our families, our friends, or working alongside our co-workers. Whether we are talking to someone in person or online, the platform shouldn’t determine whether we practice this principle of speaking life. Sometimes I wonder if we forget that we have the privilege of being God’s mouthpiece. This means our mouth is on a mission. Not all words are created equal. There are words that can bind us to a lie, drain us from our hope, and pollute our point of view. But there are also words that are supercharged with revelation and life. Those words are actually authored by heaven—on a mission to bring the Kingdom of God to the earth through His people. You see, words aren’t just things spoken OVER US—they also carry the potential of releasing something IN US. God’s Word over us has the mission of releasing things like power, authority, correction, courage, peace, wisdom, clarity, and healing, just to name a few. I think the challenge for us is to surrender our mouths to the mission of Jesus so that we can be a part of releasing His love in the lives of those around us.


Today's devotional was written by Amanda Gonzalez.


  1. Have you ever considered your words have a mission to them?
  2. Is there an area or relationship in your life where you need to practice speaking life?


Holy Spirit, I surrender my mouth to your mission. Would you produce in me the fruit of your spirit in the words that I speak? Please forgive me for the times I used my words for my own agenda. Help me to grow in this area in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Giorno 11Giorno 13

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The Book of James

Have you ever wondered what faith looks like in action? This devotional walks you through the Book of James—a letter written by James, who is thought to be the brother of Jesus. As James emphasizes the relationship between faith and works, the next three weeks will be a time for you to grow in spiritual wisdom and practical application as you aim to follow Jesus faithfully.
