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The Heart of the ReformationCampione

The Heart of the Reformation


Jesus the Only Savior

Among the most striking realities of the modern West is the deep feeling of alienation that people experience. Because of technology, we are more connected to one another than ever before. Yet at the same time, we seem more disconnected from one another than we ever have been. Many of us do not know our neighbors. We experience an emotional separation between each other as individuals but also between us and our society, our occupations, and our purpose.

Scripture explains why this sense of alienation exists, telling us that it is rooted in our separation and estrangement from our Creator. Having broken God’s law in Adam, sinners find themselves hiding from God and blaming one another for their predicament (Gen. 3:1–13). Our alienation on the human level can be remedied only by reconciliation between us and God, so it is understandable that the Old Testament contains many accounts of joy and celebration when people found access to the presence of God. For example, several psalms extol the beauty and joy that people found when they went up to worship God in the Jerusalem temple (Ps. 26:8; 27:4). Consider also the joy that Jacob expressed when he met the Lord in the wilderness and had his vision of a ladder (Gen. 28:10–22). This ladder, on which angels ascended and descended, connected the earth to heaven, providing a means of access to God’s presence.

Jesus references this story in His meeting with Nathanael, as recorded in John 1:43–51. Nathanael is certainly correct that Jesus’ knowledge of his location before meeting him was amazing, but Jesus says that the greater sign will be when Nathanael sees angels ascending and descending on the Son of Man (vv. 48–51). Our Lord’s message is clear—He alone is the means of access to God’s presence. He is Jacob’s ladder.

The Reformation principle of solus Christus—Christ alone—teaches that Jesus is the only way to heaven. This is not popular in our pluralistic and relativistic society, but we profess that He alone can reconcile us to our Creator not on our authority but on the authority of Christ. We must never compromise on the fact that Jesus alone is the way, the truth, and the life (14:6).


Human beings try to ascend to heaven in various ways, always relying on their own merit for entry into eternal life. But there is no other way to God than through Jesus. We cannot enter heaven on our own merit; neither will Muhammad, Buddha, Krishna, or any other figure take us there. If we do not tell other people that Jesus is the only way to God, we are not truly loving them.


Leviticus 16; Ezekiel 43:1–9; Mark 15:33–39; Hebrews 10:19–22

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The Heart of the Reformation

During the Reformation, one word stood between the truth and falsehood: “sola,” meaning “alone.” Standing on the authority of Scripture alone, the Protestant Reformers proclaimed the only true gospel: Salvation is by God’s grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, to the glory of God alone. This 5-day study invites you to meditate daily on each of the five “solas” of the Reformation.
