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We’ve done a lot in our pursuit of pleasure. We’ve entered into relationships we know we shouldn’t be entering and/or chasingInstagramBible fun experience after fun experience, searching for the thing that will bring us the most enjoyment. The issue though is that we’re often left disappointed. The relationship ends or at the very least the illusion of perfection is distorted at the first sign of conflict and we are crushed. The experience we anticipated for so long comes and goes faster than we think it will, and we leave, saddened, thinking about how long it will be before the next fun thing we are able to do.

The Lord has been so kind to us in giving us the ability to experience enjoyment. He delights in us as his children, and he desires for us to find enjoyment in the things He has created. Just like everything else though, our desire for pleasure has been distorted by sin. Left to our own devices, we worship creation and not the creator (Romans 1:25). From Ecclesiastes, it is clear Solomon fell victim to the same tendency. For his own pleasure, Solomon amassed incredible amounts of wealth, over-indulged in wine, constructed grand houses more beautiful than we could imagine, acquired a harem of concubines, and so much more. In verse 2:10 Solomon says, “I did not restrain myself from getting whatever I wanted; I did not deny myself anything that would bring me pleasure…” Did this bring enjoyment to him? If so, only for a moment. He says in 2:11 “all these achievements and possessions are ultimately like chasing the wind! There is nothing gained from them on earth”.

We really don’t have to be convinced by Solomon that chasing after things we think will give us ultimate pleasure and enjoyment will always leave us feeling empty. We have all experienced it for ourselves. But does this mean we have to give up the things that we love and stop looking to enjoy our lives? By no means! We are simply looking in the wrong place for our full pleasure. Author and bible teacher Jackie Hill Perry recently used a caption on her instagram that said, “If everything good exists because of God then there is nothing that exists that is better than God”. Unless our pursuit of pleasure involves the Lord, no matter where we go we are going to leave feeling more empty than we started. The Lord is the one who will bring us ultimate pleasure and enjoyment.

What does it look like to do this well? I think a great place to start is to ask the Lord to reveal where you are pursuing sinful pleasures and ask Him to help you turn away from those. Another would be to look at your life, see what passions the Lord has given you, and ask him to be a part of those with you. If you love to go on walks with friends, during that walk be aware of how the Lord is with you in that moment. If you love to play video games, praise the Lord that He has given you the ability to play them and ask Him how you can glorify Him through your enjoyment. When we realize that every good and perfect gift is from above (James 1:17), we can better understand and enjoy the Lord.


  1. What are some ways that you have searched for pleasure in the past that have left you feeling dissatisfied?
  2. What is something that you love to do that brings you joy? How can you invite the Lord into that?
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In Ecclesiastes, the author attempts to find meaning and purpose in life. As we read, we see anguish and regret over failed attempts at happiness through wealth, fame, and achievement. Ultimately, he realizes that the purpose of humanity is to know God and enjoy what God has given us. Only God can provide the fulfillment for which our hearts and souls long.
