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Five Meaningful Life Lessons From the Book of Ecclesiastes Campione

Five Meaningful Life Lessons From the Book of Ecclesiastes



King Solomon accumulated silver, gold, and the treasure of kings and provinces. He undertook many great projects. He built houses and splendid gardens. Yet he realized that everything he had strived to achieve by himself was meaningless.  He concluded that everything, if not rightly related to God, is pointless, even work, pleasures, and wisdom. 

We can find true and lasting meaning in life through God, who meets the needs, wants, and desires of our hearts. Whatever we do apart from God and His will for us will ultimately leave us with a never-ending thirst that worldly things can't quench. We can avoid this spiritual drought as we accept Christ as the "living water," walk with God, and rest in the assurance that we are His forever. 

Are you trying to find meaning in pleasure, work, money, or personal accomplishments? Of course, these things are fundamental, and God doesn't want to deny us anything good. But when we focus on the temporal things of life more than the eternal, then worldly things become more important. Then the satisfaction we feel is only temporary and won't complete us as God does.

Draw close to God by talking to Him often in prayer as you would with a friend. Express your thoughts, worries, and anxieties, but also your thankfulness and praise. He will always listen and will never leave you. You can trust Him with every detail of your life. 

Do you need to increase your personal time with God? Set aside a time that works best for you, talk to your Heavenly Father in prayer, read your Bible, or watch an online sermon. With God in your life, nothing is meaningless! 

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Five Meaningful Life Lessons From the Book of Ecclesiastes

Does your life lack the meaning and direction you want? Are you searching for something or someone to give you satisfaction and fulfillment? Do you sometimes think that your life is meaningless? This plan, based on the Book of Ecclesiastes, provides five essential life lessons for anyone grappling with these questions.
