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Unleash the Power of PrayerCampione

Unleash the Power of Prayer


Call Out to Him

You may have heard it said that a prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian, but let me add that you’re not powerless if you’ll pray! You want power with God? Learn to pray. You want God’s blessings to be on your family? Learn to pray. You want your children to fulfill their potential in life? Teach them to pray. You want to know what it takes to change the world? Pray. Pray. Pray.

Do you have family members whom you know need God in their lives? Pray. Don’t go to them and point out all their faults or quote 500 scriptures about that would change if they would change. Don’t post little convicting messages on Facebook, hoping they’ll read them. Pray! Get on your knees and call out to God on their behalf. Bind every hindering spirit that is enabling them to run from the plan and purpose of God. Pull down every spiritual stronghold that would keep them from understanding the love and the grace and the mercy of God. Command every power and principality in the heavenly places that would rise against them to turn from them. Pray that the Father will wrap His arms around them and bring them to the throne of grace!

Today’s Prayer: 

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your love and how You draw us all to Yourself by the power of Your Holy Spirit. I pray for my loved ones who don’t know You yet, that You will shine Your light upon them and bring them to Your throne of grace in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Giorno 5Giorno 7

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Unleash the Power of Prayer

At a young age, Pastor Hagee’s mother taught him that prayer can move mountains. Prayer is the most significant and oftentimes most underutilized tool in the Christian life. Are you facing a giant in your health, your finances, your relationships? Pray! No matter the storm you’re facing, prayer changes things. This prayer devotional shows you how to open the doors of heaven, inviting God to move mightily in your life.
