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She JourneysCampione

She Journeys


Summer- Written by Rose Snowzell

Day 20 - LOVE

At times it’s easy to embrace those we love and know well, but God’s love is for all, Ecclesiastes 3:8

Our summer seasons of abundance and joy, can often be times of new connection. We tend to live so openly in those times, carefree and more sociable than ever. God has new people for us to connect with everyday, if we’re looking for them. We are made in the image of love himself, so It is our identity and our call to extend beyond the interactions with our nearest and dearest to develop a lifestyle that is reaches out and shares love with all. 

Where are you a display of God’s love in your world?

How can you extend love to someone new today?

When our burdens are lightest, we are most available to step into the lives others and help to lighten their load. Make the most of the summertime seasons you encounter. Smile, bless, serve, encourage, and extend a hand of friendship to someone new. In doing so, you’re extend hope, peace, and the love of God into the situations where it could be more needed than you know,Psalm 89:1-2. We are born for this. 

Who is God asking you to show his love to today?

Giorno 19Giorno 21

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She Journeys

We all go through seasons of life, some bring us joy, some bring us sorrow, but each one teaches us something of God's heart for us. Join us as we explore some of these seasons and navigate how to journey them well!
