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My Heart Has Been RestoredCampione

My Heart Has Been Restored



The history of what God performed through Moses is full of many twists and turns. It is also full of lots of waiting. Waiting doesn’t always have to be a passive noun – it can also be an ACTIVE VERB! In today’s verse, we see that one of Moses’ waiting periods began with an awesome act of service – one that paid off HUGE for Moses AND the people of Israel.

To slightly break down the story, Moses had to flee from Egypt because he murdered an Egyptian for harming one of his fellow Israelites. Moses thought he was going to be the “savior” of the Israelites, but he acted too soon – and in the wrong way. He WAS God’s chosen vessel to provide Israel’s physical redemption, but now he had to wait for his OWN personal restoration. As today’s verse shows, Moses’ first act after fleeing Egypt was to help some women in need. 

This “active waiting” led to Moses getting married, and getting some awesome learning experience for 40 years under his Father-in-law Jethro. Later on, down the line, Jethro even gave Moses some AWESOME advice on leadership which led to the system of governance that brought the people of Israel into the promised land! (Exodus 18)

So, for today, if you are in a season of passive waiting, try active waiting instead! While you may have a heart to serve people beyond those in your current sphere of influence, don’t ignore the people around you right now who just may need what you have to offer. Every act of service is like planting a seed of hope and love – when done out of a heart that yearns to spread God’s love. What kind of seeds are you planting in your season of waiting?

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