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Sweetening Your Sex LifeCampione

Sweetening Your Sex Life


When a couple both guards and cherishes the sexual intimacy in their marriage, they share a bond designed to give life, vitality, and enjoyment. In fact, God so wired the chemicals in our bodies that regular marital intercourse actually produces a chemical connection to each other. 

God has created different hormones to release before, during, and after sex in such a way that enables married couples to strengthen the stability of their relationship through this shared gift (Song of Solomon 7:6-12)..

Prayer is also a way to cultivate your sexual relationship. Whatever needs or lack you may be experiencing in your sexual intimacy as a married couple can (and should) be addressed to God in prayer. We offer this opening guided-prayer as a way of getting you thinking toward your own prayers on this subject of sexual expression in marriage.

Praising God

“Heavenly Father, You created this gift of sexual intimacy which is to be cherished, honored, and enjoyed within a marriage. You placed within us various hormones that give us the opportunity for great pleasure and a strengthening of our bond together. Thank You for creating sex and allowing us to have this to share together in our marriage. 

As we remain intimate with each other as a couple, we continue to experience a depth of love that reflects Your love for us. We praise and honor You for Your provision of delight, physical satisfaction, and intimacy. In Jesus' name, amen.”

Giorno 1Giorno 3

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Sweetening Your Sex Life

Marriage relationships allow for a great expression of love in many ways. One of these comes through a mutually-satisfying sex life as a couple. In this 3-day reading plan, NYT best-selling author Bruce Wilkinson pairs with author Heather Hair to share advice on how to sweeten and cultivate the marriage sexual relationship.
