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Start 24

Isaac An Rebecca
(Galatia 3:16)
1Abraham stay real ol awready now, uku plenny year ol. Da One In Charge wen make eryting come out good fo him. 2One time, Abraham tell da oldes guy dat work fo him fo come. Dat guy, da luna in charge a all Abraham stuffs. Abraham tell um, “I like you put yoa hand undaneat my thigh, da way oua peopo do wen dey make one strong promise. 3I like you make me one strong promise in front Da One In Charge, da God dat stay in charge a da sky an da whole world. Promise an swea to God dat you goin find one wahine fo my boy. But you gotta promise, no go find one Canaan kine wahine from dese peopo aroun hea wea I live. 4You gotta go my land, da land wea I born, fo find one wahine fo come my boy Isaac wife.”
5Da luna guy tell Abraham, “Kay den. But wat if da wahine no like come dis land wit me, wat I gotta do den? I gotta take yoa boy back to da place you wen come from, o wat?”
6Abraham tell um, “No ways! No take my boy back dea! 7Was Da One In Charge, da God dat stay in charge a da sky, dat wen take me outa da place wea my faddah guy wen live, da land wea I born. Da One In Charge, he make one strong promise to me. He tell me, ‘I goin give dis land to da peopo dat goin come from you.’ Dass da same God dat goin sen his angel messenja guy to da place you goin go. Az how you goin find one wahine from dea fo marry my boy. 8If da wahine no like come hea wit you, den da promise you make to me, pau. Ony one ting—you no goin take my boy back dea!” 9So da luna guy put his hand undaneat his boss Abraham thigh, an make one strong promise fo do wat Abraham tell um fo do.
10Da luna, he take ten camel from da ones da boss get, an all da bestes kine stuffs from his boss fo give gifs fo da wahine ohana. He go ova dea by da Aram peopo Mesopotamia side wit one a da two big rivas one side an da odda big riva da odda side. He go da town wea Abraham braddah Nahor live befo time. 11Bumbye he come nea outside da town, one place wea get puka fo watta. He make his camels go down an res dea. Was late aftanoon time, da time wen da wahines go da puka fo get watta.
12Den da luna guy tell God, “Eh! Da One In Charge, you da God dat my boss Abraham get plenny love an respeck fo. Make eryting come good fo me today, fo me find da wahine fo come my boss boy wife. I like you do one good ting fo my boss Abraham now, cuz you an him get one deal. 13Az why I stay standing hea by da puka wea da watta come out, an da young wahines from dis town stay come out hea fo get watta. 14I goin tell one a da wahines, ‘Try give me litto bit watta fo drink outa yoa watta pot.’ An if she tell, ‘Shoots, drink up, an I give you watta fo da camels too,’ den let dat one be da wahine dat you pick fo come da wife fo yoa guy Isaac. If she do dat, dass how I goin know dat she da one, an dat you stay tight wit my boss guy Abraham, cuz you an him get one deal.”
15Right den an dea, befo da luna guy pau talk to God, Rebecca come outa da town. She stay carrying one watta pot on top her shoulda. (Her faddah, Betuel. Her granfaddah, Nahor, az Abraham braddah. Nahor wife, Milkah, an Betuel dea boy.) 16Da young wahine real good looking, an she neva sleep wit any guy yet. She go down inside da puka place an fill up da pot wit watta. Den she come back up. 17Da luna guy run ova dea by Rebecca. He tell, “Try give me litto bit watta outa yoa watta pot.”
18Da young wahine tell, “Shoots, mista, drink up.” Right den an dea she take down da watta pot an hold um fo da luna guy drink. 19Afta she pau let um drink plenny, she tell um, “Eh! If you like, I can pull up watta fo yoa camels too, till dey get enuff fo drink.” 20Right den an dea, she pour all da watta she get awready inside da trough wea da animals drink, an den she run back to da puka, an pull up plenny mo watta till all da camels pau drink.
21Da luna guy, he jus stan dea an look fo see if da young wahine da right one. He no say notting, cuz he like find out if God make da trip come out good, o not.
22Den, afta da camels pau drink, da luna guy go open one a da bags dey stay carrying, an he take out one expensive gold nose ring an two expensive gold arm bracelet, fo one gif fo da girl. 23He tell, “Try tell me, wat ohana you from. An yoa faddah, he get room his house fo stay tonite, me an my guys, o wat?”
24Rebecca tell him, “Me, I Betuel daughtah. His faddah Nahor, an his muddah Milkah. 25He get plenny food fo da animals oua house too, an get room fo all you guys fo sleep ova dea tonite.”
26Da luna guy go down on top da groun fo show respeck fo Da One In Charge. 27He tell, “I like tell dis: Da One In Charge, he da God fo my boss guy Abraham. He make eryting come out good fo Abraham, fo shua! God no broke his promise fo stay tight wit my boss an do wat he tell he goin do. An same ting fo me too, Da One In Charge show me wea fo go, strait to da peopo from my boss guy ohana, jalike I suppose to do!”
28Da girl Rebecca, she run home quick an tell all her muddah ohana peopo da tings dat wen happen.
29-30Rebecca get one braddah guy, Laban. Afta Laban see da nose ring, an da two bracelet on top his sistah arms, an afta he hear Rebecca tell wat da luna guy wen tell her, Laban run ova dea outside da town by da watta puka, by da guy. Da luna guy, he still stay standing dea wit da camels wea da watta come out. 31Laban tell um, “Eh mista! Fo shua, Da One In Charge do plenny good kine stuff fo you! Try come oua house! No need stay standing outside hea! Cuz I make oua house ready fo you an da camels.” 32Da luna guy go inside Laban house, an dey take down da bags from da camels. Laban worka guys give da camels food, an dey bring watta fo da luna guy an da odda guys wit him wash feets.
33But wen dey bring da food, da luna guy tell, “Befo I eat, I goin tell you wat I suppose to tell you. Den can eat.”
Laban tell, “Kay den.”
34Da luna guy tell, “Me, I work fo yoa faddah uncle guy Abraham. 35Da One In Charge, he do plenny good tings fo my boss. Abraham one importan guy awready. God give um sheeps, goats, cows, silva an gold, guys an wahines fo slaves, camels, an donkeys, eryting. 36My boss wife Sarah, she wen born one boy fo Abraham, no matta she real ol. An Abraham tell, dat afta he mahke, his boy goin get all Abraham stuffs.
37“My boss Abraham wen make me make one strong promise to him. He tell me, ‘I stay live ova hea on top da Canaan peopo land, you know, but I no like you go get one Canaan wahine fo marry my boy. 38No way! Dis wat you gotta do: go my faddah house, by my ohana peopo fo get one wife fo my boy.’ 39I wen tell my boss, ‘But Bummahs! If da wahine no like come back hea wit me, wat I suppose to do den?’ 40Abraham tell me, ‘Da way I live, God, Da One In Charge, see eryting I do. He tell me, dat he goin sen one a his angel messenja guys wit you. Dass how he goin make eryting come out good fo you. You goin get one wahine from my faddah guy ohana fo come my boy wife. 41Den you no gotta do wat you wen promise fo do bout dis ting. An wen you get dea by my ohana peopo, if dey no let you take nobody, dass okay too. You gotta do wat you wen promise fo do.’
42“Today, I come hea, by da puka wea da watta come out. I tell God, ‘Eh! Da One In Charge, you da God fo my boss Abraham. I like you make eryting come out good fo dis ting dat I come hea fo do! 43Now, I stay standing hea by dis puka wea da watta come out. Az why, if one young wahine come outa da town fo get watta, I goin tell her, “Try let me drink litto bit outa yoa watta pot.” 44An if she tell me, “Shoots, drink up, an I go pull up watta fo yoa camels too”—Eh! Da One In Charge, make dat da wahine you wen pick fo come da wife fo my boss boy!’
45“Befo I pau tell all dis dat stay inside me, right den an dea come Rebecca outside da town wit her watta pot on top her shoulda. She go down inside wea get da puka an fill up da watta pot. Den I tell her, ‘Try give me watta.’ 46Right den an dea she take down da watta pot an tell, ‘Drink. I get watta fo yoa camels too.’ So I wen drink, an den she get watta fo da camels too.
47“I wen tell, ‘Yoa faddah guy, who him?’ She tell, ‘Me, I Betuel daughtah. His faddah Nahor, an his muddah Milkah.’ Den I wen give her da nose ring an da arm bracelets fo wear. 48I go down on top da groun fo show respeck fo Da One In Charge, da God fo my boss Abraham. I tell Da One In Charge dat he do one real good ting fo me, cuz he bring me da right way fo find my boss braddah guy fo take his grandaughta fo come da wife fo Abraham boy.
49“So now, I like you guys tell me dis: You guys goin stay tight wit my boss, an do da right ting fo him, o wat? An if you guys no like, tell me fo real kine, I goin go anodda place.”
50Den Laban an Betuel tell da luna guy, “Was Da One In Charge dat wen bring you hea awready fo aks fo Rebecca come his wife. Us guys no can tell you ‘Yeah’ o ‘No.’ 51Rebecca stay right hea in front you fo you take her fo come da wife fo yoa boss boy, jalike Da One In Charge tell.”
52Wen da luna guy fo Abraham hear wat dey tell, he go down on top da groun fo show love an respeck fo Da One In Charge. 53Den he take stuff outa da bags fo give Rebecca. He give her all kine silva an gold kine jewelry an clotheses. He give plenny expensive stuffs to her braddah an her muddah too. 54Den da luna guy an da odda guys wit him eat an drink, an den dey sleep dea dat nite.
Da nex day, dey wake up, an da luna guy tell, “Kay den. I like fo you guys let me an Rebecca go back by my boss now.”
55But da braddah guy an da muddah guy, dey tell, “Mo betta let Rebecca stay hea wit us guys bout ten days moa, an afta, she can go.”
56Da luna tell dem, “God, Da One In Charge make eryting I do come out good. Az why no good fo you make me stay hea long time. I like fo you guys let me go back by my boss.”
57Da braddah guy an da muddah guy, dey tell, “We go tell da girl fo come, an aks her wat she like do.”
58Dey tell Rebecca fo come, an dey aks her, “You like go now wit dis guy, o wat?”
She tell, “I like go.”
59So, dey let dea sistah Rebecca go, her an da lady dat work fo her from small bebe time. Dey go wit Abraham luna guy an his helpa guys.
60Da ohana peopo tell God fo do good tings fo Rebecca. Dey tell,
“Eh, you oua sistah!
We like you come da ancesta wahine
Fo ten million peopo!
We like da peopo dat goin come from you come strong
So wen odda peopo go agains dem,
Yoa peopo goin take ova dea towns!”
61Den Rebecca an da wahines dat work fo her ride on top da camels, an go wit da luna guy. He take Rebecca an he go.
62Dat time, Isaac come back by his faddah guy Abraham from Beer-Lahai-Roi side cuz he live inside da Negev. 63Wen da sun stay going down, Isaac go fo one walk inside da countryside. He look, an he spock some camels stay coming. 64Rebecca look same time, an she spock da guy Isaac. She come down quick from on top da camel. 65She tell da luna guy, “Eh, dat guy ova dea inside da open country, da one dat stay walk dis way, who him?”
Da luna tell, “Him, my boss.” Den Rebecca take one piece cloth an hide her face fo show respeck fo da guy dat goin come her husban. 66Da luna guy tell Isaac eryting he wen do. 67Den Isaac marry Rebecca. He bring Rebecca fo live inside da same tent wea his muddah Sarah live befo she mahke. Isaac get plenny love an aloha fo Rebecca. Az why, no matta his muddah wen mahke, he no stay sad no mo cuz he get Rebecca.

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