Luke 24
chapter four and twenty
1and the first day of the week, when it has begun daybreak/early shacharis, are they come to the tomb, bringing the spices, which they have prepared. 2they have however found the stone removed by rolling from the tomb; 3and are entered, and have not found the body of the L-rd Yehoshua. 4and it is happened, while they are in this way was perplexed about that, look, two men are standing near them in dazzling clothing; 5and as they have self terrified and bowed the faces to the earth, have the these said to them: why seek you (PL) the living among the dead? 6he is here there is not, but is stand up again! remember self how he has spoken to you (PL), while he is still was in Galilee, and said, 7that the Son of Man must handed over to be in the hands of sinner people, and to be hung up on a tree, and the third day again stand up. 8and they have self remembered his words, 9and have self returned from the tomb, and reported all the these things to the eleven, and to all remaining. 10and these are was Mary of Magdala, and Yochanah, and Mary, James' mother; and the remaining with them have this told to the Shlichim, 11and the these words are they seemed as idle tales, and have they not believed. 12but Peter has self got up and is run there to the tomb; and stooping down self, sees he the tachrichim (burial shrouds) lying only; and he is went away to self home, wondering self over that, what is occurred.
13and look, two of them are that same day were on the way in a village into with the name Ammaus, which is lie sixty acre-field from Jerusalem. 14and have talking among self about all that, what is take place. and it is happened, 15while they have talking and held a discussion, has Yehoshua himself (come) near, and is accompany with them. 16their eyes however are kept back become, so that they should him not recognize. 17and he has to them said: who for a words are this, which you (PL) speaks one with the other on the way? and they are remain stand with sad faces. 18and the one with the name Cleopas, has answering said to him: you are the only visitor in Jerusalem, and knows not what it is there happened in the these days? 19and he has to them said: who? and they have to him said: that of Yehoshua of Natseret, who was a prophet, powerful in deed and in word before Hashem and the entire nation; 20and how our chief kohenim and rulers have him handed over, that he shall have condemned to be to the death, and have him hung up on a tree. 21we however have hoped, that he is that, who was about to redeem the (people) Israel. and out of that is already today the third day, since the these things are happened. 22but even some women, who are part to us, have us astounded, coming in the morning to the tomb; 23and when they have not found his body, are they come, and have said, that they have also seen a appearance of angels, who have said, that he lives. 24and some of the (ones) our (group) are went away to the tomb, and have it found exactly so, as the women have said, him (himself) however have they not seen. 25and he has to them said: o, you (PL) foolish ones and who the heart is you (PL) hard to believe all, what the prophets have spoken! 26(question) has then the Moshiach not ought to suffer the these things, and go in in his glory into? 27and beginning from (law of) Moses and of all prophets, has he explained for them in all scriptures that, which has a relationship to him. 28and they have self come near to the village, where they are go, and he has self made, as he would wanted venture out. 29and they have him begged, and have said: abide with us, because it looming already soon by the evening, and the day has self already inclined! and he is gone in to abide with them. 30and it is happened, while sit down self together with them to the table, has he taken the bread/matzah, made a blessing, has it broken and given to them. 31and their eyes are opened become, and they have him recognized; and he is from them vanish. 32and they have said one to the other: (question) has then not our heart burned in us, while he has on our account spoken on the way, as he has us opened the scriptures (the Holy)? 33and they are stand up again in the same hour and have self returned to Jerusalem, and have found the eleven gathered, and these, which are was with them; 34which have said: the L-rd is in truth stand up again, and has self appear to Simon! 35and they themselves have report, what it is happened on the way, and how he is of them recognized become by the breaking the bread.
36and while they have spoken of the these things, is he himself standing in the midst among them, and says to them: peace be with you! 37they however have tremble and fear had, thinking, that they see a spirit. 38and he has to them said: why are you (PL) so terrified, and why arise up doubts in your heart? 39look on my hands and on my feet, that I am it myself! touch me on and see! because a spirit has not any flesh and bone, as you (PL) see, that I have. 40and as he has this said, has he them showed the hands and the feet. 41and while they have yet not believed for joy, and self amazed, has he to them said: (question) have you (PL) here something to eat? 42have they him given a piece broiled fish. 43and he has it taken, and eaten before their eyes.
44and he has to them said: these are my words, which I have to you (PL) spoken, while I am yet was with you (PL), that all must fulfilled to be, which it stands written in law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in Psalms, about we. 45then has he opened their understanding, understand to be the Scriptures (the Holy); 46and has to them said: so stands written, that the Moshiach shall to suffer, and standing up again from the dead the third day, 47and that in his name shall proclaimed to be a repentance to the forgiveness of sin among all peoples—beginning from Jerusalem. 48you (PL) are witnesses of the these things. 49and look, I send on you (PL) the promise of my Father; you (PL) however remain in the city, until you (PL) will clothed be with power from on high.
50and he has them led out until near to Beit-Anyah, and has uplifted his hands, and them blessed (them). 51and it is happened (Yom HaAliyah), while the bless them, has he self from them withdrew, and is taken up become in heaven into. 52and they have self returned to Jerusalem with great joy; 53and are continually was in house HaMikdash, praising Hashem.
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English Interlinear of the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadasha
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