Luke 18
The fause judge, and the cantin Pharisee. The rich ruler wiʼ a sair want. The blinʼ man oʼ Jericho.
1And he was speakin a parable to them, as that men soud be aye prayin, and never swarf.
2Sayin, “A particular judge was in a citie, wha cared‐na for God, nor had respect for man.
3“And thar was a weedow iʼ that citie; and she was aye comin till him, cryin, ‘Do me justice wiʼ my adversary!’
4“And he wadna for a time. But eftir, he said to his sel, Thoʼ I naither revere God, nor care for man,
5“ ‘Yet, for that this weedow fashes me, I wull do her justice; or aiblins wiʼ her aye‐comin she wull wear me oot!’ ”
6And the Lord says, “Hear ye what the fause judge says!
7“And sanna God still mair tak the pairt oʼ his ain, wha cry to him day and nicht, and thoʼ he tholes #18:7 For that he is whiles lang in smitin his faes, his ain folk maunna think he is slack in helpin his freends! thoʼ till oor puir blinʼ een it whiles looks sae!lang wiʼ them?
8“I say tʼye, that he wull be gleg to do them justice! Yet, whan the Son oʼ Man comes, wull he eftir aʼ, finʼ this faith on the yirth?”
9And he spak — anent some that lippened to their sels that they war richtous, and lichtlied the lave — this parable:
10“Twa men gaed up intil the Temple for prayer: the ane a Pharisee, the tither a tax‐man.
11“The Pharisee, takin his staun, prayed sae by his sel — ‘Lord! I thank thee I am‐na like the lave oʼ men, extortioners, ill‐deedie anes, adulterers — or eʼen as this tax‐man!
12“ ‘Twice in ilka week fast I; I gie a tenth oʼ aʼ things I obteen!’
13“But the tax‐man, staunin far yont, fearʼt to lift up sae mickle as his een till Heeven, but strack his breist, cryin, ‘Lord! be mercifuʼ toward me, the sinner!’
14“I tell ye, this ane gaed doon till his hoose acceptit, raither than that ane: for ilk ane that heizes up his sel sal be humblʼt, but he that louts his sel sal be raised up!”
15And they war bringin till him eʼen the wee bairns, that he micht pit his hauns on them: but his disciples, seeinʼt, war challengin them.
16And Jesus caʼd them nar, and quoʼ he, “Lat the wee bairns come to me, and hinner‐them‐na, for oʼ siclike is the Kingdom oʼ God!
17“Truly say I tʼye, Whasae disna welcome the Kingdom oʼ God as a bairn, enters in naegate intilʼt!”
18And ane speirʼt at him — a ruler — sayin, “Gude Maister; by doin what, may I hae life‐eternal?”
19And Jesus said to him, “Hoo caʼ ye me Gude? Nane is Gude but ane — God!
20“The commauns ye ken, ‘Ye maunna commit adultery; ye maunna commit murder; Ye maunna reive; Ye maunna bear fause‐witness; Honor yere faither and yere mither!’ ”
21And he said, “Aʼ thir things hae I dune frae my bairnheid!”
22And, listenin to him, Jesus said, “Ae thing, yet, dae ye want! Sell ye aʼ things that ye hae, and divide wiʼ the needy, and yeʼse hae gude gear in Heeven! And come! follow ye me!”
23But he, hearin thir things, gaed awa dowie; for he was unco rich.
24And Jesus, behauldin him, that he was unco dowie, said, “Wiʼ whatna strivin sal they that hae riches, enter intil Godʼs Kingdom!
25“For a camel suner coud gang throwe a needleʼs ee, than a rich man enter Godʼs Kingdom!”
26But they that heard it said. “Wha, than, can onywise be savʼd?”
27And he said, “The things no possible wiʼ men are possible wiʼ God!”
28And Peter spak: “Lo! we left aʼ and followʼt thee!”
29And he said to them, “Truly say I tʼye, Nae ane has left ahint hoose, or parents, or brithers, or wife, or weans, for sake oʼ the Kingdom oʼ God,
30“Wha sanna win back to him mony‐fauld mair iʼ this present time; and in the Warld that is comin, life for aye!”
31And takin the Twalʼ aside by their sels, he said to them, “Tak tent! we are gaun up till Jerusalem; and aʼ things wull come aboot that hae been putten‐doon anent the Son oʼ Man.
32“For he wull be gien up to the Gentiles, and be geckʼd at, and insultit, and sputten on;
33“And, first scourgin, they wull tak his life; and on the third day wull he rise.”
34And they didna comprehend ony oʼ thir things; and it was aʼ mirk to them: and they didna get to ken the things that war said.
35And it cam aboot, that whan he was comin nar till Jericho, a blinʼ man was sutten‐doon beside the road, beggin.
36And hearin the trampin oʼ a great thrang gaun by, he speirʼt what aiblins aʼ this micht be?
37And they tellʼt him, “Jesus oʼ Nazareth passeth by!”
38And he cryʼt oot, sayin, “Jesus! Son oʼ Dauvid! Hae thou pitie on me!”
39And they that gaed afore flyted at him that he micht be quate; but sae muckle the mair cryʼt he oot, #18:39 The beggar kent he was Dauvidʼs Son! The Writers pretendit they didna ken! Ignorance itsel is no sae blinʼ as dourness!“Son oʼ Dauvid! hae pitie on me!”
40Sae staunin still, Jesus orderʼt him to be brocht forrit till him; and whan he cam nar, he speirʼt at him,
41Sayin, “What wad ye hae me to do for ye?” And he said, “Lord! that I may hae my sicht!”
42And Jesus said to him, “Win back yere sicht! yere faith has saved ye!”
43And at ance he gat his sicht again; and followʼt on, giean glorie to God; and aʼ the folk, seeinʼt, praised God.
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Luke 18: SCO1904

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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.