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John 8

The ill‐deedie wumman (no the only sinner). Jesus tells the folk oʼ Jerusalem the truth, but they wadna hear: ʼor lang it was wrath, and they bude hear.
1Jesus gaed oot‐by till the Mount oʼ Olives.
2And on the morn, early, he cam again till the Temple, and the folk aʼ gaitherʼt aboot him; and he sat doon to teach them.
3And the Scribes and Pharisees brocht till him a wumman taʼen in adultery; and whan they had sutten her iʼ the mids,
4Quoʼ they to him, “Maister! this wumman was taʼen iʼ the vera act oʼ adultery.
5“Noo Moses, iʼ the Law, gied commaun to stane siclike; but what say ye?”
6This said they for temptation, to hae something to wyte him wiʼ. But Jesus loutit doon, and gaed on writin in the yird wiʼ his fingʼer.
7Sae whan they gaed on, ask‐askin him, he straughtit his sel, and quoʼ he to them, “The ane thatʼs wantin sin amang ye, lat him cast the first stane at her!”
8And ance mair he loutit his sel doon, writin on the grunʼ.
9And they that heard him slippit cannilie oot, frae the auldest eʼen to the last ane; and Jesus was left alane, wiʼ the wumman staunin iʼ the mids.
10Whan Jesus straughtit his sel up, and saw nane but the wumman, he says to her, “Whaur are they that wytit ye? Has nae man gien judgment on ye?”
11And she says, “Nae man, my Lord!” And quoʼ Jesus, “Nae mair div I pass judgment on ye: gang yere ways, and sin nae mair!”
12Than again spak Jesus to them, and said, “I am the warldʼs Licht! the man wha follows me walks‐na iʼ the mirk, but sal hae the licht oʼ Life!”
13The Pharisees then replied to him, “Ye gie witness oʼ yersel; yere ain witness, allenar, is nae prufe!”
14Jesus answerʼt them, and quoʼ he, “Eʼen gin I bear witness for mysel, my witness is leal and true; for I ken whaur I cam frae, and whaur I gang till: but ye ken‐na whaur I cam frae, and whaur I gang.
15Ye judge eftir the flesh; I judge nane.
16“Aye, and gin I did judge, my judgment wad be true; for it isna I mylane, but I and the Faither wha sent me.
17“And eʼen iʼ yere ain Law itʼs putten‐doon, ‘The witness oʼ twa witnesses is prufe.’
18“I am ane, giean witness oʼ mysel; and the Faither wha sent me gies witness oʼ me.”
19Than said they to him, “Whaur is yere Faither?” Quoʼ Jesus, “Ye ken‐na me, nor ken ye my Faither; gin ye kent me, ye soud hae kent my Faither as weel!”
20Thir words spak Jesus iʼ the Treasury, as he was teachin iʼ the Temple; and nae man put hauns on him, for his ʼoor wasna yet.
21Than again Jesus says to them, “I gang my ways; and ye sal seek for me, and sal dee iʼ yere sins; and whaur I gang, ye canna come!”
22Than quoʼ the Jews, “Wull he mak awa wiʼ his sel? for he says, ‘Whaur I gang, ye canna come.’ ”
23And he said to them, “Ye are frae aneath; I am frae Aboon; ye are but oʼ this warld; I am‐na oʼ this warld.
24“Sae said I tʼye, ‘Iʼ yere sins ye sal dee!’ for gin ye believe‐na that I am the Ane, ye sal dee iʼ yere sins!”
25Than speirʼt they at him, “Wha are ye?” And Jesus says to them, “Eʼen juist as I said to ye at the first.
26“Mony things hae I to say, and mony things hae I to judge oʼ ye; natheless, he wha sent me is true; and I gie to the warld what I hae heard oʼ him.”
27They kent‐na that he spak to them oʼ the Faither.
28Than said Jesus to them, “Whan ye hae up‐liftit the Son oʼ Man, ye sal ken I am he, and do naething oʼ mysel; but oʼ the lear oʼ my Faither, sae speak I thae things.
29“And he is aye wiʼ me wha sent me: the Faither leaves‐me‐na alane; for I aye dae the things that please him.”
30And speakin thir words, mony believed on him.
31Than said Jesus to thae Jews wha had lippened him, “Gin ye bide in my word, than are ye my followers truly.
32“And the truth sal ye ken, and the truth maks ye free.”
33But they answered him, “Abraʼmʼs seed are we, and nar war slaves to ony: hoo say ye than, ‘Ye sal be made free?’ ”
34Jesus says to them, “Truly, truly say I tʼye, Wha works sin, is sinʼs servant!
35“And the servin‐man bides‐na iʼ the hoose for aye; but the Son bides for aye.
36“Gin than the Son maks ye free, truly yeʼse be free!
37“I ken ye are oʼ the seed oʼ Abraʼm; but ye are seekin to mak awa wiʼ me, for that my word bides‐na in ye.
38“What I hae seen wiʼ my Faither I speak; and what ye hae heard frae yere faither ye do!”
39They answered, and quoʼ they to him, “Abraʼm is oor Faither!” Jesus says to them, “Gin ye war Abraʼmʼs bairns, ye wad do Abraʼmʼs warks.
40“But noo ye wad mak’ awa wiʼ me, a man wha tells ye the truth, whilk I hae heard oʼ God: Abraʼm did‐na sae!
41“Ye dae yere faitherʼs warks!” Than said they to him, “We be‐na oʼ fornication; we hae ae Faither, God!”
42Jesus said to them, “Gin God war yere Faither, ye wad eʼen loʼe me: for I cam forth and cam frae God; and I cam‐na oʼ mysel, but he sent me.
43“Why dae ye no ken my sayin? eʼen for that ye canna hear my word?
44“Ye are oʼ yere faither the deevil; and his wull dae ye. A murderer was he frae the first, and bade‐na iʼ the truth. And whan he speaks a lee, he speaks oʼ his ain; for he is a leear, and the faither oʼ aʼ leears.
45“And for that I tell ye the truth, ye lippen‐na on me.
46“Wha oʼ ye fastens sin on me? And, gin I say the truth, why isʼt ye lippen‐na on me?
47“He that is oʼ God, hears Godʼs words: ye dinna hear them, tharfor, for ye are‐na oʼ God!”
48Than answerʼt the Jews, and quoʼ they, “Dae we no say weel that ye are a Samaritan, and hae a deevil!”
49Jesus answerʼt, “I hae nae deevil: but I honor my Faither, and ye wad dishonour me.
50“And I seek‐na for my ain glorie; thar is Ane that seeks and judges.
51“Truly, truly say I tʼye, Gin a man keep my sayin, he sal neʼer see death!”
52Than said the Jews to him, “Noo ken we ye hae a deevil; for Abrʼam is deid, and the Prophets are deid; and ye say, ‘Gin a man keep my sayin, he sal neʼer pree oʼ death.’
53“Are ye greater nor oor faither Abraʼm, wha is deid? and the Prophets that are deid; wham wad ye mak yersel?”
54Jesus answerʼt, “Gin I glorifyʼt mysel, my glorie is but naething; it is my Faither wha glorifies me; wham ye caʼ yere God.
55“Yet hae ye no kent him; but I ken him; and gin I soud say, ‘I dinna ken him,’ I soud be a leear, like as ye are yersels: but I ken him, and keep his word.
56“Yere faither Abraʼm was fain to see my day; and he saw it, and it blythened him!”
57Than said the Jews to him, “Ye are‐na#8:57 What garʼt them say “fifty”? He was jimply past thretty. Wasʼt the gray hair, afore itʼs time, stealin on his temples? or wasʼt the wearied look oʼ a man bearin sins no his ain, that misleared them? Aiblins we ken‐na. fifty year auld yet, and hae ye seen Abraʼm?”
58Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly say I tʼye, Afore Abraʼm was, am I!”
59Than grippit they stanes to hurl at him; but Jesus hid his sel, and gaed oot oʼ the Temple, throwe amang them aʼ, awa.

Attualmente Selezionati:

John 8: SCO1904





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