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Luke 7

Chapter 7
Jesus makes a Roman officer's servant well
1After Jesus had finished speaking to the people, he went to Capernaum. #7:1 The Roman army officer was a soldier who had authority over about 100 men. He was not a Jew. 2A Roman army officer there had a servant that he liked very much. The servant was very ill and he was dying.
3The officer heard about Jesus, so he sent some important Jews to speak to him. He said to them, ‘Please go to see Jesus. I would like him to make my servant well. Ask him if he would come to do that.’
4The Jewish leaders went to Jesus. They asked him, ‘Please would you do something to help this Roman officer. 5He loves the Jewish people. He himself built a meeting place for us.’
6So Jesus went with them. When he was not very far away from the house, the officer sent some friends to talk to him. He told them to say to Jesus, ‘Sir, I do not want to cause any trouble to you. I am not good enough for you to come into my house. 7That is why I did not come to talk to you myself. Instead, speak your command. I know that my servant will then be well again. 8In my work, someone has authority over me. I also have authority over other soldiers. I say to one soldier, “Go!” and he goes. I say to another one, “Come!” and he comes. I say to my servant, “Do this!” and he does it.’
9Jesus was very surprised when he heard this message from the officer. He turned towards the crowd that was following him. He said to them, ‘I tell you, I have not found anyone like this man in all of Israel. Nobody else believes in me as much as he does.’
10The friends of the officer then returned to his house. When they arrived there, they saw that the servant was well again.
Jesus makes a widow's dead son alive again
11The next day, Jesus went to a town called Nain. His disciples and a large group of other people went with him. 12When he had almost reached the gate of the town, lots of people were coming out. They were carrying a dead man on a wooden board. They were taking him to bury him. His mother had no other sons and her husband was also dead. A large crowd of people from the town was going with her.
13When the Lord Jesus saw her, he felt very sorry for her. He said to her, ‘Do not cry.’ 14He went to the board and he touched it. The people who were carrying the dead man stopped. Jesus said, ‘Young man, I am telling you, get up!’ 15Immediately, the dead man sat up and he began to talk. Jesus then gave him back to his mother.
16Everyone there was very afraid. They praised God and said, ‘A great prophet of God has appeared among us. God has come to save his people!’
17This news about Jesus went everywhere in Judea. The people in the places that were near there also heard about it.
Jesus talks about John the Baptist
18Then some disciples of John the Baptist went to visit John in prison. They told him about all the things that Jesus was doing. So John chose two of them to go to the Lord Jesus for him. 19He said to them, ‘I want you to ask Jesus, “Are you the special person that God is sending to us? If not, should we look for someone else?” ’
20So the two men came to Jesus. They said to him, ‘John the Baptist has sent us to you. He wants us to ask you, “Are you the special person that God has promised to send to us? If not, should we look for someone else?” ’
21At that time, Jesus was making many people well. They had many different illnesses. Some had bad spirits in them. Jesus also caused many blind people to see again. 22So he said to the two men that John had sent, ‘Go back to John. Tell him what you have seen. Tell him what you have heard. Blind people can now see again. People who could not walk can now walk again. People who had a bad skin disease are now well again. Deaf people can now hear again. People who had died now live again. Poor people are hearing God's good news. 23If anyone believes in me and does not turn away, he will be truly happy.’
24The two disciples of John then left. Jesus spoke to the crowd about John. He said to them, ‘You went out to the wilderness. What did you go there to see? Was it a tall piece of grass which the wind was blowing this way and that? No, you did not go to see that. 25Did you go to see a man who was wearing expensive clothes? No! People like that do not live in the wilderness. They have many beautiful things and they live in great houses. 26So what did you go to see? Did you go to see a prophet? Yes! But I tell you, John was even more important than a prophet. 27This is what is written about him in the Bible. God said:
“Listen! I will send someone to go in front of you.
He will speak my message.
He will prepare a way for you.” ’ #7:27 See Malachi 3:1. God had promised that the Messiah would come to earth. He had promised that someone else would come first to prepare the way.
28Jesus also said to the people, ‘I tell you, John is greater than any person who has ever lived up to now. But now the least important person who belongs in the kingdom of God is greater than John.’
29Many people heard what Jesus said. Even the men who took taxes from people agreed with his message. They had gone to John to baptize them. They all said, ‘What God says about us is right.’ 30But the Pharisees and the men who studied God's Law had not asked John to baptize them. They did not believe the message that God was giving to them.
31Jesus continued to teach. He said, ‘I will talk to you about the people who are alive today. I will tell you what they are like. 32They are like children who are sitting in the market place. They are playing games. They shout to other children,
“We made happy music on a flute for you,
but you did not dance.
Then we sang a sad song
but you did not cry.”
33You are like those children. When John the Baptist came to you, he did not eat ordinary food. He never drank wine. So you say that John has a bad spirit in him. 34Then I, the Son of Man, came. I eat meals with other people and I drink wine. So you say about me, “Look at this man! He eats too much and he drinks too much. He is a friend of bad people and men who take taxes from people.” 35But God is wise and good. Wise people understand and they show that God is right.’ #7:35 John and Jesus were very different people. But they were both living as God wanted them to live. The Pharisees thought of themselves as wise people. But they would not accept the message of either John or Jesus.
A woman pours valuable oil on Jesus
36One of the Pharisees asked Jesus to eat a meal with him. So Jesus went to the Pharisee's house and he sat down to eat. 37In that town was a woman who had done many wrong things. She heard that Jesus was eating a meal at the house of the Pharisee. So she took a small stone jar with oil in it and she went there. The oil had a very nice smell. 38She went into the house and she stood behind Jesus. She was crying and she made his feet wet with her tears. Then she used her hair to make his feet dry again. She kissed Jesus' feet and she poured the oil out of the jar onto them.
39When the Pharisee saw this, he said to himself, ‘This man cannot be a prophet from God. If he were, he would know all about this woman. He would know that she is a very bad person. He would not let her touch him.’
40Jesus said to him, ‘Simon, I want to tell you something.’
Simon replied, ‘Yes, Teacher, tell me.’
So Jesus told him a story about two men: 41‘Someone had lent two men some money. He had lent one of them 500 silver coins. He had lent the other man 50 silver coins. 42Neither of the men had enough money to pay him back. Then the man that had lent them the money forgave them. He said to both of them, “You do not need to pay back my money.” ’
Jesus then asked Simon, ‘Which of these two men will love that man more?’
43Simon replied, ‘I think it would be the man who needed to pay back the most money.’
Jesus said, ‘You are right.’
44Then he turned towards the woman and he said to Simon, ‘You see this woman. When I came into your house, you did not give me water for my feet. #7:44 When someone went into a house, a servant brought water to wash his feet. The master of the house also kissed the visitor and he poured oil on his head. These were the right things to do to welcome a visitor. But she has washed my feet with her tears and she has made them dry with her hair. 45You did not say “Hello” to me with a kiss. But this woman began to kiss my feet when she came in. And she has not stopped. 46You did not put oil on my head. But she has brought oil with a nice smell and put it on my feet. 47So I tell you, this woman has done many bad things. But I have forgiven her. She loves me a lot, because I have forgiven her for many bad things. If I only forgive someone a little, that person only loves me a little.’
48Then Jesus said to the woman, ‘Woman, I forgive you for all the bad things that you have done.’
49The other people at the meal talked among themselves. They said, ‘Who is this man? Can he really forgive the bad things that people have done?’
50Jesus said to the woman, ‘You have believed in me, so God has saved you. You may go now, and be happy.’

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Luke 7: EASY





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