John 14:27
The third line (in English) translating the meaning of each word in the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadashah (New Testament)
peace leave I over with you (PL); my peace give I you (PL); not the way the world gives, give I you (PL). shall self your heart not troubled, and let it not become despondent.
Esplora John 14:27
John 14:6
says to him Yehoshua: I am the way (Hashem) and the truth and the life; anyone comes not to the Father, except through me.
Esplora John 14:6
John 14:1
shall your heart self (be) not troubled; you (PL) believe in Hashem, believe also in me.
Esplora John 14:1
John 14:26
the Advocate however, the Spirit the Holy, whom the Father will send in my name, he will you (PL) all teach, and you (PL) remind about all, which I have you (PL) told.
Esplora John 14:26
John 14:21
who the one has my commandments and keeps them, that (one) is it, who does me love; and that (one), who has me love, will be beloved by my Father, and I will him love have, and will myself reveal to him.
Esplora John 14:21
John 14:16-17
and I will ask the Father, and he will you (PL) give an other advocate, so that he shall be with you (PL) on eternity; the Spirit of truth, whom the world can him not receive, because it sees him not and knows him not; you (PL) know him indeed, because he remains with you (PL) and will be in you (PL).
Esplora John 14:16-17
John 14:13-14
and what you (PL) will only ask in my name, will I the these do, so that the Father shall glorified become in the Son. if you (PL) will me something ask in my name, will I it do.
Esplora John 14:13-14
John 14:15
if you (PL) have (for) me love, shall you (PL) keep my commandments!
Esplora John 14:15
John 14:2
in my Father's house is here a many dwellings; would it not so be, would I it you (PL) have told; because I go (to) prepare an place for you (PL).
Esplora John 14:2
John 14:3
and when I go and prepare for an place for you (PL), will I again come, and you (PL) take to me, so that where I am, shall you (PL) also be.
Esplora John 14:3
John 14:5
says Toma to him: L-rd, we know not where you (SG) go; and how can we know the way?
Esplora John 14:5