John 13:34-35
The third line (in English) translating the meaning of each word in the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadashah (New Testament)
a new commandment give I you (PL), that you (PL) shall love have one the other; as I did you (PL) love had, so shall you (PL) also love have one (for) the other. through the this will all recognize, that you (PL) are my disciples, if you (PL) will have love one for the other.
Esplora John 13:34-35
John 13:14-15
therefore if I, the L-rd and Rebbe, have you (PL) washed your (PL) feet, are you (PL) also obligated to wash one the other the feet. because I have you (PL) given an example, so that, as I have done to you (PL), so shall you (PL) also do.
Esplora John 13:14-15
John 13:7
did Yehoshua answer and said to him: what I do, you know not now, later however will you yourself find out.
Esplora John 13:7
John 13:16
in truth, in truth say I you (PL); a servant is not greater than his lord, also is a messenger not greater than the one, who did him send.
Esplora John 13:16
John 13:17
if you (PL) know that, blessed are you (PL), if you (PL) do it.
Esplora John 13:17
John 13:4-5
did he get up from the table, and did put away the garments, and taking a towel, did he himself gird around. after that did he pour water in the basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and wipe them with the towel, with which he was gird around.
Esplora John 13:4-5