Luke 9:23
EasyEnglish Bible 2024
Then Jesus said to all the people that were there, ‘A person who wants to be my disciple must not think about himself. He must decide that his own life is not important. Every day he must be like someone who carries his own cross to go and die. Then he may come with me as my disciple.
Esplora Luke 9:23
Luke 9:24
Whoever wants to keep his own life safe will lose it. But whoever agrees to lose his life because of me will have true life.
Esplora Luke 9:24
Luke 9:62
Jesus replied, ‘A man that ploughs a field must continue to look straight in front of him. If he looks behind him, he cannot plough well. People that look back behind them cannot work well for the kingdom of God.’
Esplora Luke 9:62
Luke 9:25
A person may get everything in the whole world for himself. But if he loses his life, it would not be any good for him. He will have destroyed himself in the end.
Esplora Luke 9:25
Luke 9:26
You must not be ashamed of me and of my words. If you are, then the Son of Man will be ashamed of you. One day he will return and everyone will see his power. He will come with God's holy angels and he will have the bright glory of his Father God. He will be ashamed of you on that day, if you are ashamed of him now.’
Esplora Luke 9:26
Luke 9:58
Jesus replied, ‘Wild animals and birds have their own places to live. But I, the Son of Man, have no place of my own to lie down and rest.’
Esplora Luke 9:58
Luke 9:48
Jesus said, ‘If someone accepts this child because of me, then he also accepts me. And anyone who accepts me also accepts my Father God, who sent me. The person who makes himself the least important among you is really the greatest.’
Esplora Luke 9:48