Endless Worth: Seeking God’s Purpose in a Success-Obsessed WorldSýnishorn

Endless Worth: Seeking God’s Purpose in a Success-Obsessed World

DAY 2 OF 5

Day 2: Asking For It?

‘I cry out to God Most High, to God, who vindicates me.’ (Psalm 57:2)

In this modern world of unlimited choices, high comparisons, and endless opportunities, I often end up asking: ‘So what is it I am actually supposed to be doing?’

As I write this, I have had a word from God as I sit in a coffee shop. I need to transform my prayer life. I’ve been feeling despondent about my career; things don’t seem to be going in the direction I would like. But God has hit me with a powerful reminder – I don’t pray about it; my work isn’t a regular part of my prayer life.

I need to cry out to God, but here’s the key: not for the things I want, but for the things he does.

Throughout the Psalms, David and others give us a picture of what it means to truly experience the power of prayer, worship, and thanksgiving. I encourage you to read the entirety of Psalm 57 and discover how God works out his purposes for us through his steadfast love and faithfulness. However, we must want it. If we’re always pushing for our own ideas over our work and career, we are resisting the work of his power to make things change.

In verse 2, the word ‘vindicate’ means to ‘justify’ and ‘defend’. God is looking to justify you according to his purposes. In other translations, such as the Amplified Bible, this verse reads: ‘I will cry to God Most High, Who accomplishes all things on my behalf [for He completes my purpose in His plan].’

For today and every day, let’s decide to pursue God’s purpose, not our own, and make that a regular prayer.


God, I’m sorry if I’ve been resisting your purposes in my life. For my work, my home life, and my social circles. Today, I make a fresh commitment to pursue what it is you want for me. As I go about my days and weeks, I pray I will start to hear from you about what my direction should be.

Key takeaway

Start making a habit of praying for God’s purposes in your life. Try writing the prayer in a journal every day or asking God on your way to work. It doesn’t matter when or where but start allowing the idea of God’s purposes to penetrate your heart, soul, and mind.


Dag 1Dag 3

About this Plan

Endless Worth: Seeking God’s Purpose in a Success-Obsessed World

What does it mean to be seeking God’s purpose in a world obsessed with success? It’s tempting to believe we’re behind and have ‘missed the mark’ according to society’s metrics of success. Join author Lydia Jenkins in this 5-day plan to recognise your endless worth in God’s eyes, combat career-related anxieties and align your purpose to his anointing.
