Endless Worth: Seeking God’s Purpose in a Success-Obsessed WorldSýnishorn

Day 1: Called to Work
‘So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God.’ (1 Corinthians 10:31)
Have you ever been negative about work?
If your answer to this question is ‘no’ then we need a coffee because I don’t know how you’ve managed it. The whole world seems to live for the weekend and work is often branded as the necessary evil.
It’s what pays the bills.
We do it because we must.
Both statements are true, but they tend to be coined in a negative light. And yet work is biblical. Right off the bat with this devotional plan, we need to recognise work as a good thing. Nay, not only a good thing, but a holy thing.
OK, another question. How many times in the Bible does God tell the likes of Moses and Abraham: ‘Go on, put your feet up, don’t do anything.’ He doesn’t. In fact, he does quite the opposite. He sets them to work. Even in the Garden of Eden, before sin entered the world God commanded Adam to cultivate the land. We read in Genesis 2:15: ‘The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.’
Work is inherently good, purposeful, and pleasing to God. What’s happened? Why is work so often the fuel to the fire of human discontentment?
So today, perhaps we all need a mindset shift. Work is part of our God-given purpose. It is an opportunity to faithfully cultivate something into being. Whether that’s raising children, starting a business, volunteering or working in retail. Whatever we do, we should recognise the concept of work for what it is: an opportunity to love and glorify God through obedience and thanksgiving.
For now, remind yourself that God has gifted us our work. Let’s praise him for it, rather than casting work in a negative light.
Father, I thank you for the opportunity to work. I praise your name for having the chance to cultivate something from the work of my hands. Today, as I work, I pray that I will be reminded that right now, you have placed me where I am and I can worship you in it.
Key takeaway
Whenever you feel despondent about working, ask yourself: ‘Am I fully embracing the call God has on my life to work for his glory?’
About this Plan

What does it mean to be seeking God’s purpose in a world obsessed with success? It’s tempting to believe we’re behind and have ‘missed the mark’ according to society’s metrics of success. Join author Lydia Jenkins in this 5-day plan to recognise your endless worth in God’s eyes, combat career-related anxieties and align your purpose to his anointing.