All InSýnishorn

All In

DAY 6 OF 21

Words of Fire
Nicole Grimm

The Bible has countless references to the importance of the words we choose to speak. Our words can build up, tear down, create, and destroy. But why? What is so powerful about the things that we say? They’re just words, right?

The third chapter of James describes the tongue (our words) as a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body, and that it ‘corrupts the whole person’ (v.6). When we speak, we are calling into existence blessings and curses that, whether we know it or not, affect everything and everyone around us.

Think of a time when someone said something mean to you; how did that change your thoughts and actions? Now, think of a time when someone complimented or encouraged you; how did that affect you? When we speak, we are creating just as our Father did. When He spoke, the world came into existence. When He speaks, the waves become still, and the demons flee.

We were all created in the image of the Father and given the authority, in Him, to trample on serpents. But what are we doing with that authority? Are we speaking life, or are we speaking death? Are the words we choose to speak going to break chains or build prisons?

Controlling our tongue is something we cannot, in our strength, conquer. But we are not called to control…we are called to listen and obey. By surrendering our tongue to the Lord, He alone will create a pure heart in us (Psalm 51:10a).

Matthew 12:34 says, “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks”; therefore, our choice of words is a heart condition. When we fully surrender our hearts to the Father, He creates in us new life, and our words become healing, edifying, and miracle workers.

As you go through your day today, listen to the words coming out of your mouth and ask the Spirit for wisdom and discernment to choose words that would please Him.

Where do you let your words slip into flames of fire? Is it at home? Work? School? What causes you to relax your tongue and let these words pour out? How do you fix the state of your heart so these words tumble out?


Dag 5Dag 7

About this Plan

All In

“New Year, New Me” is only accurate if something is different about you. This devotional is meant to challenge you to fully commit to Christ, your actions, hearts, and minds. This will show you the importance of living authentically for Jesus by fully engaging, not having one foot in and one foot out of your faith. We pray that through this, you will make bold choices, trust God’s plan, and make your relationship with Christ above everything else. Are you ready? Let’s go All In!
