All InSýnishorn

Trust and Surrender
Amy Brooks
I was asked to volunteer for an event. I was a runner, helping where needed. One of the leads became sick and had to leave. The event coordinator needed someone to replace her, so she asked me if I would step into the role. I immediately said yes.
After getting direction for the job, I quickly became overwhelmed, so I stepped into an empty room on the verge of tears and began to pray. I asked Him to help me with the responsibility I was given; I told Him I had no idea what I was doing, but it was only through His guidance that I would succeed. I thanked Him for the opportunity to serve Him in a more significant role.
Just like in Proverbs 3:5, I gave all my trust to God. I knew I couldn’t succeed without Him. I didn’t understand why the coordinator chose me, but I didn’t question it. I thanked Him for what He had done in my life and allowed Him to do the rest. Our event was a success.
When we thank God for what He does for us, we acknowledge His loving kindness. When we show gratitude to God for what He gives so freely, it draws us into a deeper relationship with Him. Most of all, when we surrender to Him completely, we follow where He leads and walk in His will for our lives. That is not always easy, but it is always worth it!
What does this verse say to you about how you trust God? Do you acknowledge all that He does in your life? What are some ways you can trust and surrender God today?
About this Plan

“New Year, New Me” is only accurate if something is different about you. This devotional is meant to challenge you to fully commit to Christ, your actions, hearts, and minds. This will show you the importance of living authentically for Jesus by fully engaging, not having one foot in and one foot out of your faith. We pray that through this, you will make bold choices, trust God’s plan, and make your relationship with Christ above everything else. Are you ready? Let’s go All In!