Don't Miss the CallSýnishorn

When trouble comes my way, I know I don’t always think about it being an opportunity for great joy, and I'm sure you don’t either.
We are human.
Growing isn’t always pleasant, and when we are tested it can be very uncomfortable.
But, if we can keep our eyes on Jesus and focus on passing the test, pushing through, and keeping our faith during these trials we know we are growing.
It's during the growing process we are being refined and molded into the character of God.
Just like when you were a child, maybe you had growing pains, I know I did. It wasn't always a joy to grow, but we can never GROW unless we go through the process, then we can be fully developed.
Think about a little flower seed. It's tiny and immature. It's after it is put into the soil, that it begins to grow and mature.
That little seed feels the pressure...It may seem dark and quiet during this stage of growth.
It's because of this condition that it can grow and mature and bloom into the beautiful flower it was created to be!
If the seed was not placed into the soil and pressed in on all sides, it wouldn't have grown. It would have stayed exactly how it was. Just a seed.
Every time you go through the trials of life you grow little by little and through that process, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.
Because you've going through the valleys you can experience joy like never before and bloom into the woman of God, He created you to be.
That sounds pretty good to me, how about you?
Don't give up.
You can do it.
I declare when trouble comes my way, I consider it a great JOY! The JOY of the Lord is my strength! I am growing every day and becoming fully developed, perfect, complete, needing nothing, in Jesus' name. Amen!
When trouble comes your way do you consider it an opportunity for great joy?
During the growing process reflect on your character and how you are growing.
About this Plan

Don't Miss the Call is a 7-day devotional designed to guide you towards discovering your purpose! This Bible Plan is ideal for those who are eager to embrace a life of intention and meaning!