Don't Miss the CallSýnishorn

Hello, my friend,
It wasn’t until I was 27 that I knew I was created for more. But more, what was that? What did that mean? I didn’t know. I wish that someone had come along before then to tell me I was created for a purpose. But nobody did. Now, that is my purpose and calling… to tell others they have been born with a purpose and for a purpose!
Your life is precious to God and He has an amazing assignment and a calling on your life for you to fulfill! It’s up to you to decide whether or not you want to live a life on purpose! The purpose of this devotional is to make you aware that you have a purpose for which God created you!
I pray that each day you will intimately seek the Lord so that your purpose and calling are revealed to you! If you already know your calling, I pray that this Don't Miss the Call devotional will light and fan a flame so deep within that you will continue your purpose with passion like never before!
Don’t Miss the Call, my friend!
Pastor Elizabeth
You have been called.
God, the creator of the Universe has called YOU, yes YOU! He has called you to be holy, and we become holy through a relationship with Jesus Christ when we call on His name.
Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord He will make holy. That doesn’t mean we will always act holy because we are still human, but when we submit ourselves to God, He is faithful and just to keep His word.
Holy means we are consecrated or set aside for sacred use, standing apart from sin and evil and having the characteristics of God. Having been set aside for sacred use, God has a special plan for you and for me.
YOU are here for a reason!
YOU have been called by God!
Just because you’ve been called doesn’t mean you will automatically fulfill your destiny; it takes your part too.
Don’t let life pass you by without fulfilling your purpose in life.
What have you been called to do?
What has God placed in your heart that you are passionate about?
I encourage you to seek the Lord about what He’s calling you to do!
I'm cheering you on!
God the Father has called me to be holy, therefore I am holy! I am called with a special purpose, that I will fulfill! I receive the grace and peace Jesus has given me, in His name. Amen!
What have you been called to do?
What has God placed in your heart that you are passionate about?
About this Plan

Don't Miss the Call is a 7-day devotional designed to guide you towards discovering your purpose! This Bible Plan is ideal for those who are eager to embrace a life of intention and meaning!