Man of God: What Does a Man of God Look Like?Sýnishorn

Man of God: What Does a Man of God Look Like?

DAY 6 OF 8

A Man of God Lives According to the Truth and Commands of the Word (1)

Men of God know the commandments of God and promptly obey His commands (Ecclesiastes 12:13).

They preach the gospel — and talk to people about God. They pray for the salvation of people because they know the danger that people will face if they do not believe in Jesus as the Son of God (Matthew 10:1-8).

They understand that if people are not born again by the Spirit of God but reject Jesus as Savior and Lord, God's wrath will remain upon them. (John 3:15-20, 36).

A man of God's life is free from hypocrisy, empty religion, and unbiblical traditions and practices.

He has spiritual authority and lives with spiritual dignity.

Men of God live holy in everything they do because God is holy (1 Peter 1:15-16). Their standard is the standard of the Word. They are not trying to create the impression that they are God-fearing while they do not have the power of God in them (Judg.16:20).

A man of God takes up his cross and follows Jesus. Nobody who puts his hand to the plow and then looks back is fit for the kingdom of God. (Luke 9:23; 62).

These are men who love their enemies and act accordingly.

These men come to know God's character and heart more deeply and increasingly reflect God's character through their words and deeds.

They consider God's agenda more important than their own. Their lives do not belong to themselves.

These men have laid down their lives and decided to be servants and slaves of Christ (1 John 3:16-18).

These are men who study the Word and believe it. They don't rely on their own insight.

They don't think of themselves more than they should (Rom.12:3).

Men of God desire to live as holy a life as possible for a saved sinner.

They don't ask what they can do without sinning. They ask, "How can I honor my Heavenly Father?"

These men submit their will, emotions, and minds to the will of God.

A man of God understands that he will live forever in the presence of God, and therefore he uses his strength, training, influence, gifts, and money to pluck as many people as possible from the fire of judgment.

These are men who do not occupy themselves with dirty talk and frivolity. They control their tongues, and their lives have been set on fire by the Spirit of God. Their words are like holy fire that burns away sin, like a hammer that shatters a rock, exposes sin and injustice, brings healing, and gives hope.

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About this Plan

Man of God: What Does a Man of God Look Like?

We need men of God today. They must be men with God's character, sanctified, broken, humble, and serving their families, churches, and communities with integrity, purity, righteousness, and dignity. Such men will be like salt, bringing hope to the world and the people around them.
