Virtuous Woman - IntegritySýnishorn

Character Goal: Worth-the quality that renders someone desirable, valuable, and useful to God
Biblical Character: Eve
Scripture Readings: Genesis 1:26-28, 31; 2:8-9, 15-25; 3:1-15
Discussion Questions
- Who created man and woman? What did God say about what He had created? What does this teach us about our worth and value in the eyes of God?
- What does it mean to be created in the image and likeness of God?
- What was the man and woman’s mission on earth? Who gave them this mission and authority? What does this teach us about God?
- Discuss God’s command for them to rule, fill, and subdue. Could either fulfill this mission alone? What does this teach us about the value and role of women on the earth?
- As a female athlete, what is your role on the team? What contributions can you make in order to fulfill your team’s mission?
- What command did God give to the man in the Garden? What does this teach us about God?
- As a woman and female athlete, what has God given you to “work and take care of”? How can you do this to the glory of God?
- What does God say “is not good”? What does God decide to do for Adam? How is she created?
- What do we see the serpent doing in order to bring about the fall of mankind?
- What does this teach us about one of the tactics Satan uses to deceive women? How is this evident in our world today?
- How has Satan used this tactic in your life? How can you know how God truly feels about you?
- What happens as a result of Eve eating the fruit and listening to Satan? What does this tell us about Satan’s goal in tempting us to sin?
- Ultimately, God forgives the sins of Adam and Eve and covers their nakedness. What does He tell the serpent would happen in the future? Who is this promised “Seed”?
- What does this story teach us about God? What does this teach us about our worth?
Training for Godliness:
Most athletes and coaches measure what they are worth based on statistics, scoreboards, and the applause of crowds. Their identity is wrapped up in things that can end in a moment because of injury, staff changes, or a fickle crowd. As a player or coach, where do you find your worth or value? Will these things last more than a game or a season?
- What is one thing I learned today that I can apply to my life before the next lesson?
Core Truths:
- Women are valuable because we have been created by God, in the image of God, for the glory of God.
- Women are of great worth to God and necessary in advancing God’s Kingdom on earth
- Satan deceives women to not believe they are loved and valued by God.
Memory Verse:
Proverbs 31:10 - "Who can find a wife of noble character? She is far more precious than jewels."
About this Plan

Explore the character trait of integrity using examples of women in the Bible. Integrity means living a life that reflects Godliness in private and public for God's glory. This study will examine ten traits that build a life of integrity. This study was written by Alexandria McCraney who lives in Arkansas with her husband and three kids and serves with FCA at the University of Arkansas.