Virtuous Woman - IntegritySýnishorn

Character Goal: Virtue-displaying moral excellence, goodness, and righteousness that leads to godly living.
Biblical Character: Ruth
Scripture Readings: Ruth 1:8, 9, 17, 18, 22; 2:1-12; 3:1-11; 4:13-17
Discussion Questions
- Who was Ruth?
- What did Naomi encourage her daughters-in-law to do?
- What does Ruth decide?
- Did she know what was ahead? What does this tell us about her character and her faith?
- When you have the option of being comfortable or leaving what’s comfortable and familiar to follow God, what do you tend to choose? What has been the result of these choices?
- After they arrive in Bethlehem, what does Ruth do?
- Whose field does she end up in?
- How does Boaz treat Ruth while in the fields?
- What does Boaz offer Ruth? Why? What does this teach us about the fruit of a virtuous character?
- Define reputation. As a female athlete, what is your reputation among your peers, coaches, teammates, teachers, etc.? What would they say about your character? What do you want your reputation to be?
- What does Naomi decide to do for her daughter-in-law?
- How does Boaz respond to Ruth’s request? Why do you think he is so excited? What all has he seen and heard about her?
- What does Boaz continue to praise her for? Read and discuss Proverbs 31:30.
- Naomi and Ruth were both widows with no one to provide for them. How does God act on their behalf? What does this tell us about Him?
- What does it mean to redeem something, like a coupon, gift card, certificate, etc?
- Who did God send into the world to redeem us?
- What do the women acknowledge about God as it pertains to Naomi? What do they say about Ruth?
- What does this story teach us about God? Women?
Training for Godliness
As a female athlete or coach, you have the platform to influence those around you. In what ways have you influenced others? How can you use your influence for God's glory?
- What is one thing I learned from this story that I can apply to my life before the next lesson?
Core Truths:
- God provides for us before we know we need it.
- Women of virtue find favor with others
- God blesses good work ethic and strong character.
Memory Verse:
Proverbs 31:10 - "Who can find a wife of noble character? She is far more precious than jewels."
About this Plan

Explore the character trait of integrity using examples of women in the Bible. Integrity means living a life that reflects Godliness in private and public for God's glory. This study will examine ten traits that build a life of integrity. This study was written by Alexandria McCraney who lives in Arkansas with her husband and three kids and serves with FCA at the University of Arkansas.