Virtuous WomanSýnishorn

Character Goal: Unity – Glorifying God by seeking to be unified in purpose while understanding and appreciating our differences
Biblical Characters: Rachel and Leah vs. Mary and Elizabeth
Scripture Readings: Genesis 29:31-35; 30:1-24; Luke 1:39-45
Discussion Questions:
Leah and Rachel
- Who do Leah and Rachel look to for their self-worth? What are the consequences? What does this tell you about people?
- What does Rachel want? What does Leah want?
- What are they willing to do to get these things? What does this tell you about people?
- How does their scheming affect the sisters’ relationship? Maidservants? Jacob? Their children?
- What can cause disunity among other female teammates? How does this affect how you play both as an individual and as a team?
- How does our manipulation affect others and ourselves?
Mary and Elizabeth
- Who did Mary visit after the angel told her she would be pregnant?
- What was Elizabeth’s reaction to her visit? What could it have been?
- As a teammate, how do you react when someone who plays your same position does well?
- What are some differences between Mary and Elizabeth? Could these things be points of contention between the two?
- How does this encounter differ from the relationship between the two sisters, Rachel and Leah?
- Would you characterize your team as “Rachel vs. Leah” or “Mary and Elizabeth?” Give Examples
- How should our relationship with Christ affect our relationship with others?
- What is one thing I learned from this story that I can apply to my life today?
Core Truths:
- Women can cause disunity by negative competition, collection, and control.
- Women can encourage unity by recognizing and celebrating each other’s differences as they pursue the same goal.
- Our relationship with Christ, or lack thereof, affects our relationship with others.
Memory Verse:
Luke 10:27: “He answered, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
About this Plan

The purpose of this study is to present key character traits using examples of women in the Bible. Alexandria McCraney is married with 3 kids, and she resides in Fayetteville, Arkansas on staff with FCA at the University of Arkansas. She is the founder and creator of Pattern Co. Collective and is a Personal & Executive Coach. Kristy Makris also contributed to this resource for women.