Virtuous WomanSýnishorn

Character Goal: Uniqueness – Seeking to glorify God in our unique makeup, roles, and purpose as women and individuals.
Biblical Character: Eve
Scripture Readings: Genesis 1:27-28, 31; 2:7, 18-24
Discussion Questions:
- Who did God create humans to be a reflection of?
- How do women specifically reflect God’s image on earth?
- What are some characteristics of God? What does this tell you about mankind’s role and purpose on earth?
- How did God create humans? The rest of creation? What does this tell you about God? Man?
- What did God say about what He had created? What does this tell you about God? His creation? You?
- How did God create woman? What does this tell you about woman?
- In your sport, do you feel pressure to “act like guys” to be taken seriously as an athlete? If so, how?
- How was Eve unique to Adam?
- How can we use our uniqueness as women to glorify God as female athletes?
- Why did God create woman?
- What day was man created? What had God created the previous five days?
- What does this tell you about God? Creation and Works? Man? You? (See Ephesians 2:10)
- Who did God intend to become one flesh?
- What is one thing I learned from this story that I can apply to my life today?
Core Truths:
- God created woman in His image and uniquely different from man.
- God created each of us to bear His image throughout the earth and fulfill the unique purpose that He has prepared for us.
Memory Verse:
Isaiah 43:7: “Everyone who is called by My name, whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him.”
About this Plan

The purpose of this study is to present key character traits using examples of women in the Bible. Alexandria McCraney is married with 3 kids, and she resides in Fayetteville, Arkansas on staff with FCA at the University of Arkansas. She is the founder and creator of Pattern Co. Collective and is a Personal & Executive Coach. Kristy Makris also contributed to this resource for women.