Virtuous WomanSýnishorn

Character Goal: Valor – Seeking to become women who are physically, mentally, and spiritually strong.
Biblical Character: Rahab
Scripture Readings: Joshua 2:1-21; 6:21-25
Discussion Questions:
- Who is Rahab?
- What does Rahab understand about God?
- How do you think she knew these things about God?
- How does she express her faith in the God of Israel?
- Read Romans 10:17. Where does faith come from?
- Do you think that she may have been afraid of the King of Jericho and getting caught hiding the spies? Why or Why not?
- Whom should we fear: God or man? Why?
- How do the people of Jericho feel about Israel and their God?
- What request does Rahab make of the two spies?
- What do the spies require of Rahab?
- During the battle, what happens to Rahab? Her family? Why?
- How does Rahab differ from the other residents of Jericho who have heard the same thing about Israel and the living God that she had heard?
- Only in the genealogy of Christ is Rahab not referred to as “a harlot” (Matthew 1:5). What does this tell you about God?
- Rahab could have allowed her past as a prostitute to dictate whether or not she could change and be a follower of God but instead she chose to take a risk and believe in God.
- As an athlete, how can you keep your past game performances (a bad game, reputation on the field/court, etc) from dictating your future actions?
- Rahab had a positive role in her family because of her faith in the One True God. Thinking of your team as a family, what role do you play on your team (peacemaker, instigator, encourager, leader, divisive, etc)? What role do you want to play on your team? What do you need to do in order to be the person on your team you want to be? Rahab shows us we can make changes regardless of our past!
- What is one thing I learned from this story that I can apply to my life before the next lesson?
Core Truths:
- The knowledge of God and His Word makes us strong.
- God is merciful and will save anyone who puts their faith in Him.
- God uses women to be instruments for salvation in their families.
Memory Verse:
Romans 10:17: “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
About this Plan

The purpose of this study is to present key character traits using examples of women in the Bible. Alexandria McCraney is married with 3 kids, and she resides in Fayetteville, Arkansas on staff with FCA at the University of Arkansas. She is the founder and creator of Pattern Co. Collective and is a Personal & Executive Coach. Kristy Makris also contributed to this resource for women.