A Fresh PerspectiveSýnishorn

A Fresh Perspective

DAY 2 OF 7

What's stronger than your weakness....

"Today I fasted for a day and got an A in school, I think fasting is really worth it!" What a sweet sentence I wrote in my journal when I was about 12 years old!

But anyone who has ever fasted knows how hard it is and how you suddenly start thinking more intensely about food. Isn't it like that with everything we can't have right now?

Jesus had been in the desert forty days and the Bible says, “Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit…was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry.” (Luke 4:1-2 NIV)

And don't forget, Jesus was in this world as a man and experienced hunger like we do. And here's the thing... “...where for forty days he was tempted by the devil…” (Luke 4:2 NIV)

Of course, the devil comes and attacks Jesus’ weakness—and ours. “The devil said to him, ‘If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread.’”(Luke 4:3 NIV)

This was a double blow! First, the devil attacked Jesus’ identity:

"If you are the Son of God..."

Does that sound familiar to you in any way? You know that voice that questions, "And you really think you're a child of God? Where is this God, then? I don't see him."

And then he attacks the great hunger, "...then command this stone here to become bread." Jesus could easily have done that. But it was not the will of God, it was the will of the devil.

What is the great hunger in your life?

— Loneliness? And this voice says, "You can satisfy that hunger with, for example, porn?"

— Food? And the voice says, "Here's the refrigerator, stuff that hunger with food."

— Sadness? "Reach for the bottle or other things to fix it...?"

How could JESUS resist all the temptations of the devil?

By always answering directly and immediately, "It says in the Scriptures!" (Luke 4:4, and also 4:8 u. 4:10 NIV)

When you are tempted, don't answer with your own words, but with God's Word!

Try this change of perspective, and watch for the miracles!

You are a miracle!


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About this Plan

A Fresh Perspective

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28 NIV) Imagine you're sitting at the kitchen table and you’re very thirsty, but you don't get up for a glass of water because you’re too tired. The solution is so close.The source of your strength is also within your reach! It’s time for a new perspective!
