Naming Your Unique PurposeSýnishorn

Naming Your Unique Purpose

DAY 3 OF 7

All our actions are driven by motivation. We are motivated by the acquisition of "the end result," that thing we long to see come into reality. Some motivations have the ability to truly light us up on the inside. These are called passions.

Have you ever seen someone talk about a subject, and it’s as if their whole being lights up? You can’t help but smile with them. That’s because they have tapped into an aspect of their unique design. Aligning that aspect of unique design with the heart of God (to free, restore, or unify those who are suffering), is the sweet spot we are aiming for.

For some, it is easy to specifically name the good thing they are passionate about seeing happen in the world. For most of us, it will take a bit of work to put a name to those desires on our heart.

Sometimes the best way to name the good things we are passionate about seeing happen, is by naming the bad things in this world we would give anything to destroy.

Consider something that is broken in this world in a way that is causing harm to others and makes you incredibly angry. You know, that anger in your belly so fierce that you want to wipe something off the planet to save people from it. This may be seeing people trapped or manipulated. It could be seeing people rejected, neglected, or lonely—anything that harms others or places obstacles in their paths. If nothing comes to mind, spend some time praying and asking God to break your heart for what breaks His. Follow those thoughts as you imagine the anger that God must feel. Pay attention to what moves you.

Now, take that anger and think about if it was removed. What good thing would you like to see it replaced with? This can help you find the goodness you are passionate about seeing come into the world. Some specific examples are people freed from exploitation and safe to live a full life, women able to educate themselves on their own health so they don’t fall prey to fads, children receiving equal access to education, people able to access fresh fruits and vegetables regardless of income level, or adults able to recognize their God-given abilities and step forward in using them.

It will take practice to be able to fully name it. That’s normal. You may need to spend some time exploring different things that make you angry and the good things you’d like to see them replaced with. Keep exploring and practicing naming until you find something that you feel calls out what is deep within your heart.

In scripture, we see both God and Jesus experience holy anger at the injustice and unnecessary yokes placed on people. Holy anger isn’t a bad thing. The Bible tells us to be angry and not sin. So, what to do with that anger? We let it motivate us to find our role in justice and restoration. We allow it to lead us to our unique purpose.

What obstacle or area of brokenness makes me so angry that I want to see it removed from the world, and what good thing would I like to see it replaced with?

Dag 2Dag 4

About this Plan

Naming Your Unique Purpose

Naming our purpose is one of the most powerful things we can do. God is a Creator with wisdom, strategy, and precision. Those tugs on your heart that say you were meant to see and do more are a clue to how He designed you. Naming helps us understand the specific value of what we have been given. It gives us something to visualize. It gives us something to practice!
