Daughter, Do You Know Who You Are?Sýnishorn

You Are Graced
Grace is the enablement to do what God has called you to do in a way that doesn’t cause it to be a burden, but instead, it comes so naturally for you. This doesn’t mean that there won’t be any difficulties or times where it seems hard, but God’s grace - His loving-kindness, favor, and mercy enables you to pull through every time. His favor will get you to places that you can’t get to on your own. His kindness will guide and counsel you and give you the wisdom you need to complete the task at hand.
In times when it seems hard and tough, you need to lean on God’s strength to get you through to the other side because God has not asked you to do it alone. He is asking you to do it with Him by your side, enabling you with His grace and strength. Any weakness that you have, His strength is made perfect and shows itself more effective. So don’t feel that in the times you feel weak you are weak. No, in the times you feel weary or weak, God’s strength comes through on your behalf and “pitches a tent upon you”
Being humble and asking the Lord for His help is when we receive grace and help in difficult times. Resistance follows intention. Don’t think that God has not called you to something if you see resistance. In fact, the devil will only resist and come against someone who is heading after their God-given assignment. The enemy will try and fight you, and tempt you to quit, but I want to encourage you to lean on the Lord for His grace and strength, and God will come through for you every time.
Prayer for today:
“Father, I thank You for Your grace that is sufficient in every season of my life. I thank You that when I feel weak or weary, Your power is made perfect. Jesus, I ask for You to continually fill me with Your grace as I am walking in the calling You have for me. I ask for Your guidance and wisdom today Lord. I thank You in advance for all that You are doing, and all that You are going to do in my life. I give You and You alone all of the praise and glory today. In Jesus’ name, amen”
About this Plan

A 30 day devotional discovering who you are in Christ. Each day will begin with a scripture to meditate on, an encouraging word and a prayer at the end.