Daughter, Do You Know Who You Are?Sýnishorn

You Are Gifted & Called
Every single person on this planet has specific gifts and talents that God has placed within them. Even if that person never uses those gifts, God will never take them away. You are gifted and have a specific calling on your life that God wants to bring to fruition. You are not just here by accident and you are certainly not a mistake! God has a specific assignment for you. Your call and gifts are only for you and only you are graced to do them, no one else.
There is only one of you. You were created to be unique and to walk in the calling God has for you. You are the only one who is graced to do what God has called you to do. God is the only one that can reveal the calling He placed on your life as well as your gifts, and talents.
If you are reading this right now and you have no idea what your gifts are and what God has called you to do, it’s time for you to get quiet before the Lord and pray for Him to reveal this to you. If there’s one thing He wants you to ask is what you are called to do and how you fit in the body of Christ.
Prayer for today:
“Father, I thank You that I am called and gifted. Thank You for blessing me with my talents and qualities. Father, I ask that You reveal more of my calling to me each and every day. I ask for the grace to do all that You have called me to do and the wisdom to do it! Lord, I give You and You alone all of the glory, and I thank You in advance for showing me the path you have set out for me and where I fit in the body of Christ. In Jesus’ name, amen”
About this Plan

A 30 day devotional discovering who you are in Christ. Each day will begin with a scripture to meditate on, an encouraging word and a prayer at the end.