Milestones - Salvation, Baptism, CommunionSýnishorn

Before His death and resurrection, Jesus shared a meal with His disciples. It was a special meal that Jewish people shared called Passover. This meal was a reminder that God delivered the Israelites from Egypt. It was during this time together that Jesus talked about what was to come.
The disciples didn’t know the fullness of what Jesus was explaining to them, but shortly after the meal, Jesus was arrested and sentenced to death on a cross. It was there, on the cross, that Jesus paid the price for the sins of mankind. Jesus’ body was broken, like the bread, and His blood was poured out, like the cup of wine.
These two elements make up what is known today as communion. We have a small cup of red juice that reminds us of Jesus’ blood, overcoming death on the cross. The small cracker or piece of bread reminds us of Jesus' body, which was bruised and broken for us. Jesus took the punishment for sin so that we could be right with God and have eternal life.
We participate in communion, drinking the juice and eating the bread to remember what Christ did for us.
About this Plan

Discover three important Christian milestones – Salvation, baptism, and communion. Salvation is accepting Jesus as your Saviour. Baptism is declaring new life with Christ. Communion is remembering all that Jesus has done for us.