Fruit of the SpiritSýnishorn

What kind of tree do you want to grow to be? Good fruit shows others what God’s love looks like. A good tree is good down to its roots.
We can’t “catch” the fruit of God’s Spirit by being around nice people or putting the Bible under our pillow to seep into our brain. The fruit of the Spirit only comes from His Spirit living in us!
Just like fruit grows on trees, the fruit of the Spirit grows, little by little until the fruit is ripe and ready to eat. When we choose to follow Jesus, we don’t wake up the next morning instantly being full of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. This fruit has to grow! How do we help it grow? By spending time with Jesus, reading God’s word, praying, being planted in God’s house, worshipping, and allowing the Holy Spirit to work within us. Like a tree needs a little sunshine, good soil, regular watering and pruning, we need to do things so we can grow too!
A life with Jesus produces good fruit.
About this Plan

Discover the Fruit of the Spirit. God's spirit produces good fruit in my life. Stay connected to Christ and bear fruit. A life with Jesus produces good fruit.