Fruit of the SpiritSýnishorn

If you plant an apple tree in the garden, you’ll need to dig a hole, put in the little tree, fill in the rest of the hole with dirt and water it. Then the sun shines, the breeze blows and at the right season, apples grow. You don’t expect that apple tree to grow pineapples. If you plant an apple tree, you expect apples to grow.
What kind of fruit does a bad tree produce? Bad fruit! What kind of tree does a good tree produce? Good fruit!
You can’t plant one kind of tree and expect it to produce a different kind of fruit. You can’t fill up with badness on the inside and expect good fruit to grow. A good person produces good fruit from the goodness stored in them. A good person fills up on the Holy Spirit in their life. It’s the Holy Spirit within us that produces good fruit.
One such fruit is ‘gentleness.’ Gentleness is being careful with your words and actions. You know who’s not gentle? The Incredible Hulk. He transforms into a raging green monster when he gets angry! The gentleness that comes from the Holy Spirit in us isn’t weak, it’s powerful. It can soothe anger and frustration. Gentleness is showing others what Christ’s love looks like.
About this Plan

Discover the Fruit of the Spirit. God's spirit produces good fruit in my life. Stay connected to Christ and bear fruit. A life with Jesus produces good fruit.