Overwhelmed by My Blessings: Encouragement for Moms (Part 6)Sýnishorn

Overwhelmed by My Blessings: Encouragement for Moms (Part 6)

DAY 2 OF 5

Recently I got a new prescription for contacts. I could no longer read things on the TV or movies, and often missed recognizing someone at a distance. Having the correct lenses makes everything better!

Most of us need vision correction.

Maybe our lens is criticism. We see the holes in the sofa rather than being grateful for a place to sit. We see how lazy our husband is rather than seeing how hard he really does work. We see our teen wasting his time and potential rather than seeing a growing, young heart. We focus on the messes more than making memories.

Maybe our lens is comparison. We see our friend has a nicer house or newer car than we do. We see someone with better behaved, smarter or more athletic children than ours. We know a friend whose husband actually prays with her. She is in way better shape, her hair is prettier, her clothes are nicer.

Interestingly, when we see through the lenses of criticism and comparison, next comes complaining. We’ve lost our contentment, our joy, our peace. Complaining and discontentment come when we place our satisfaction in anything other than Jesus. He is the only thing that will never change. He is a solid place, the Rock, to stand on. When we fix our eyes on Him, suddenly we don’t need vision correction! We have new eyes to see.

Our criticism, our comparison, and our complaining all fall away as we stand before a mighty God.

Here’s the deal, we generally find what we are looking for. May our eyes be opened to see with new eyes, His eyes. Goodness, provision, hurting hearts, love!

Father, I confess, I far too often see all the things that need to be changed rather than seeing all the great things and people You’ve placed in my life. I ask for forgiveness and repent before You. I pray that You will renew my mind and heart to begin to see things through Your eyes, recognizing all the good You have provided me. May Your heart for others be the lens I look through rather than my criticism and comparison. I begin this morning remembering to fix my eyes on You.

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