Walking in God's PurposeSýnishorn

Walking in God's Purpose

DAY 3 OF 6

Whose Purpose?

As a young guy, my dream was to be the best cinematographer in my country. I constantly read books and watched tutorials that fuelled my ambition. But as my relationship with God grew deeper, I realised my fantasy lacked real substance and never gathered traction because all along it was all about me. It was never about Jesus. Only when I surrendered my dream to Him did I experience true fulfilment. No matter how beautiful the ambition is that you’re chasing, if Jesus isn’t at the centre of it, ultimately it won’t fulfil you.

It’s safe to say there’s a big difference between vision and ambition. A vision is the view of someone’s future inspired by God. It’s the plan God has for your life. Ambition is your personal view of the future. It’s what you plan to become. It’s all about you. God is the source of vision, but you are the source of ambition. The timing and fulfilment of your ambition are determined and measured by you, but the timing and fulfilment of your vision and purpose are determined by God. The best you can hope for when you fulfil your ambition is self-satisfaction, but fulfilling your vision brings fulfilment to you and to the people in your sphere of influence.

People driven by ambition can end up killing others to achieve their goals, even destroying whole nations the way Hitler did. Vision, on the other hand, is lifegiving, as captured by Solomon’s words in Proverbs 29:18.

Back to David’s story: when Samuel anointed him as king, it was a declaration of God’s purpose for David’s life. However, the fulfilment of David’s purpose didn’t happen for another fifteen years. In those years of waiting, David faced Goliath, he was banished by Saul, he hid in the desert, he lived on the run, and he fought many battles. To survive all that, he had to keep his eyes on the vision. He was tried and tested as God converted him from a shepherd boy into a king.

Walking in God’s purpose, at times you might not see a correlation between the promises of God and your present state. God hasn’t neglected you. His promises over your life haven’t failed. It’s likely He’s working in you to transform you from a shepherd boy into a king.

What promises has God given you? What’s your purpose? Regardless of what you are passing through, remind yourself every day of the vision God has given you for your future. His purpose for your life will come to pass.

Dag 2Dag 4

About this Plan

Walking in God's Purpose

Your purpose is the assignment God has designed you to accomplish – the problem on Earth you were sent to solve. But perhaps you’ve no idea how to begin walking out that purpose. Exploring the lives of Jeremiah and David in this six-day plan, Damilola Mike-Bamiloye assures you that you’re not too young to discover your purpose or start serving God with whatever tools you have in your hands.
