5 Ways to Show Your Partner You CareSýnishorn

5 Ways to Show Your Partner You Care

DAY 4 OF 5

Galatians 5:13

“You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.”

Philippians 2:3

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.”

Serving selflessly is a great way to demonstrate the depth and sincerity of your love. Learning your partner's love language can be a valuable tool for expressing your care in meaningful ways.

Love languages are ways that people like to receive affection and kind gestures; they include physical touch, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service, and gifts. By discovering which “language” speaks to your significant other, you'll know the best way to serve them to show them they are loved and appreciated.

Physical Touch

You can serve your significant other by actively showing your love through physical touch by…

  • Holding their hand on a walk
  • Giving them a hug just because
  • Touching their arm while they’re talking to you
  • Massaging their shoulders after a long day of work
  • Cuddling during a movie

Quality Time

You can serve your significant other by actively showing your love through quality time by…

  • Planning a surprise date
  • Putting your phone away when you’re together
  • Doing activities together like cooking or playing board games
  • Talking and catching up at the end of a busy day
  • Watching their favorite show or movie together

Words of Affirmation

You can serve your significant other by actively showing your love through words of affirmation by…

  • Being specific with your compliments
    • “I appreciate it when you…”
    • “I really like how you…”
    • “You did a great job doing…”
  • Telling your significant other you’re proud of them and why
  • Telling your significant other they inspire you and why
  • Speaking words of gratitude when your significant other does something kind for you
  • Acknowledging your significant other when they accomplish something big or small

Acts of Service

You can serve your significant other by actively showing your love through acts of service by…

  • Helping them cook or do the dishes
  • Surprising them at work with their favorite drink
  • Planning a special date night for the two of you
  • Opening the car door
  • Giving them a massage after a long day of work


You can serve your significant other by actively showing your love through gifts by…

  • Buying them flowers just because
  • Picking them up a surprise while you’re at the store (something small like their favorite candy bar or a new coffee mug)
  • Getting them tickets to see their favorite band
  • Getting them a gift certificate to their favorite restaurant or one they’ve wanted to try
  • Buying them something they keep saying they need before they get it for themselves

Serving someone in a way that makes them feel loved doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. It’s the little thoughtful gestures that show how much you care.

Dag 3Dag 5

About this Plan

5 Ways to Show Your Partner You Care

Whether you’ve been on a few great dates or are ready to take a new relationship to the next level, it’s important to show your significant other that you care. Fortunately, the Bible has much to say about ways to show you love, respect, and cherish someone. In this 5-day devotional, we’re sharing the top 5 ways to show your significant other you care based on Biblical principles.
