Lessons From SamsonSýnishorn

Lessons From Samson

DAY 5 OF 5

Samson: Don’t compromise yourself

When Samson’s enemies bribed Delilah to discover the secret to his strength, Samson lied and said that if he were tied with seven fresh bowstrings, he’d be powerless. After Delilah tied him up, the Philistines attacked. Samson fought them off easily.

Delilah prodded again. Samson lied again. The Philistines attacked and failed again. This repeated and repeated “until [Samson] was sick to death of it. So he told her everything” (Judges 16:16,17). Samson compromised himself. Delilah wore him down.

That’s how the devil works. He knows how to attack our hearts and wear us down. We lose our tempers at those who annoy us. We bad-mouth the professor who keeps dumping on homework. We mock our boss, who is out of touch with reality. We get worn down by the devil’s assaults and compromise ourselves. We sin. So did Samson.

But God still loved Samson, and he loves you. “The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth” (Psalm 145:18). Call upon Jesus and know he loves you. Know he fully, freely forgives you. Know he is with you.

He was with Samson. Samson compromised himself, but God restored him and continued to do mighty things through him.

God has done the same for you. You are restored. You aren’t broken; you’re forgiven. God has mighty things planned for you in his name. So start praying and asking, “God, what do you have for me next?”

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