Kickstart to Confident LivingSýnishorn

Kickstart to Confident Living

DAY 5 OF 5


On July 13, 2016, after an emergency removal of my IUD, I was given the news of the slim chances of ever conceiving a child. The doctors shared that the damage to my uterus and the overwhelming amount of fibroids formed would make fertility impossible. I was even encouraged to accept the need for a hysterectomy. I was a few months shy of 36. I even remember smirking when I was told this, and the doctor asked what I was thinking. My response to him was, "well, God's will be done."

It is something about the word impossible that I love. I guess it's because every time I see it, I'm reminded that ALL things are possible... through Him. You see, there are no limits to God, and I was told there was a tree inside of me many years before this particular moment. I knew God wouldn't promise me something and not bring it to pass. Want to hear something crazy?

I gave birth to a beautiful son against all the odds just 11 months after receiving that diagnosis. You see, I believed the prophecy shared over me many years prior; I just didn't know how it was going to happen. The great thing is, if God said it, He will do it. PERIOD!

My son was named Creed, not because of the movie but because it took BELIEF (which is the meaning of his name) for me to birth him. I bore Creed 5 weeks early while experiencing a tumultuous pregnancy, clinical depression, and the beginning of a tumultuous divorce. He was in NICU for 11 days after an emergency cesarean, but... HE IS HERE! Five years later, I'm reminded of God's promise every time I look at this vivacious little man. I call him my Balsa Tree. This is the strongest tree in the world, and it's known to grow in rainy regions. My pain was the rain that birth this tree out of the seed. Speaking from what was considered "impossible," I implore you to dare to believe in the impossible for you too.


Ask yourself, what is the impossible you are believing for? Be H.O.T. (honest, open, and transparent). What is that thing you've not spoken aloud because of doubt? Anything is possible, so nurture the tree that is inside the seed.


Father, thank you for the tree. To many, my ask may seem impossible. But I am so glad that I serve a God who takes pleasure in transitioning the impossible to possible through miraculous works. Perform miracles through me, God.

I humbly ask in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.


RESPOND: Did this plan help you?

I want to ask you to do three things:

  1. Share with a friend! I challenge you to dare NOT to experience this journey alone. Share this devotional with others you know could benefit from receiving a KICKstart to Confident Living.
  2. Share on social media! My goal is to impact 1 million teens, and one way I will do this is by partnering with people like you who are willing to share the mission for impact and free tools like this devotional.
  3. If you are interested in gaining more that will help you "Kickstart to Confident Living," get the full 30-Day Devotional book here:


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About this Plan

Kickstart to Confident Living

Confidence is all about being sure. It’s having the trust and belief that you’ll succeed. But are you living with God-confidence? Self-confidence is the feeling that you can handle it all on your own, but, God-confidence relies on the certainty that only with God will you experience the strength, tenacity, and resilience needed to handle life’s challenges. Read this plan to increase your God-confidence and experience Confident Living.
